Search for 'ibis'

2020 Bonanza Bird #5: Australian White Ibis

Today’s new bird is an Australian wading species, native to the island nation and now widespread across a variety of habitats. Our second bird in the 2020 Birdorable Bonanza is the Australian Ibis! This species is also known as the Australian...

2014 Bonanza Bird #4: White-faced Ibis

The fourth bird in our 2014 Bonanza is a North American wader with a curved bill. It's the White-faced Ibis! The White-faced Ibis is one of three ibis species found regularly in the...

Northern Bald Ibis

We recently added the Northern Bald Ibis to Birdorable. This bird is a non-wading species of Ibis with a feather-free head. Along with the Southern Bald Ibis, these birds prefer arid landscape over wetlands, and will breed...

Sacred Ibis, from God to Pest

Today we've added the Sacred Ibis, a bird that lives in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Europe, where it was introduced. The Sacred Ibis is famous for its role in ancient Egyptian mythology, where it was often mummified...

Ibis and Andean Cock-of-the-rock Coloring Pages

Here are two new Birdorable coloring pages of the Birdorable Ibis and Andean Cock-of-the-Rock. You can color the first one as a Scarlet Ibis, Glossy Ibis or White Ibis. Check the Meet the Birds page to check the colors. You can download these from the new

Birdorable 184: Scarlet Ibis

In the next 17 days we'll be introducing a new Birdorable bird every day as part of our Birdorable Bonanza. Today's addition is the Scarlet Ibis, a beautiful bird that lives in tropical South America. It...

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