Bonanza Bird #15: The Tree Swallow

Birdorable Tree Swallow

For 18 days we're adding a new Birdorable bird every day as part of our Birdorable Bonanza 2010. Today's bird is the Tree Swallow! Tree Swallows are relatively common North American breeding birds that nest in cavities. They will use nestboxes when natural cavity nesting sites are unavailable. Tree Swallows are extremely agile in flight. They are adept at catching their primary food - insects - on the wing.

Tree Swallow Closeup
Tree Swallow Closeup by Phil Armishaw
Birdorable Tree Swallow Organic Grocery Tote Birdorable Tree Swallow EDUN LIVE Lamb Toddler Essential Crew T-Shirt
Birdorable Tree Swallow
Organic Grocery Tote
Birdorable Tree Swallow
EDUN LIVE Toddler T-Shirt

Tomorrow's bird is a critically endangered bird that is endemic to Bali, Indonesia. Can you guess what it will be?


dominic morrell on July 21, 2010 at 12:18 PM wrote:
bali mynah!
Spurwing Plover on February 9, 2016 at 7:49 PM wrote:
Back when i used to live just a mile outside of town we had this Birdhouse and a Male Tree Swallow came as stayed a few hours and twittred but he could,nt attrack a mate so he left and a pair of tree swllows nested one summer on a hold in the side of a building

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