Black-crested Titmouse

About the Black-crested Titmouse
Also known as: Texas Tufted Titmouse

The Black-crested Titmouse is a small songbird that lives in a small range in southern Oklahoma, central Texas and northeastern Mexico.

Black-crested Titmice are closely related to Tufted Titmice. In fact, the Black-crested was once considered a sub-species of the Tufted. The Black-crested Titmouse has rusty sides, a white belly, and grey upperparts. The black-tipped crest is usually erect.

Black-crested Titmice are cavity nesters. Their preferred nesting habitat is woodland, scrubland, or nestboxes near human habitation (yards, parks).

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Fun Facts: Black-crested Titmouse

1. The Black-crested Titmouse is closely related to the Tufted Titmouse. They hybridize where their ranges overlap (in Central Texas) and they used to be considered the same species. 2. The bird's DNA suggests that the Black-crested Titmouse diverged...  Read more »