Pied Crow

About the Pied Crow
Also known as: African Pied Crow, White-bellied Crow

The Pied Crow is a species of corvid found across much of sub-Saharan Africa. They live in open country, often close to human habitation. The species is closely related to the Somali Crow, with which it sometimes hybridizes.

Pied Crows are omnivorous, taking small prey items like spiders, ticks, and beetles, as well as plant material like dates and nuts. They are also frequently found foraging in dumps or taking carrion. Pied Crows are year-round residents throughout their range, though seasonal movements depending on drought conditions may cause some populations to shift in search of food.

Pied Crows are highly intelligent. They breed well in captivity and are sometimes found in educational programs at zoos and nature centers, where they can be trained to perform for public events. In the wild, Pied Crows have a stable population and are not considered to be endangered.

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