This is our collection of Birdorable gear and sampler-style designs featuring multiple birds.

Colorful Conversations - Brighten up your space with Birdorable's Colorful Conversations featuring three cartoon Gouldian Finches in different color morphs. Each finch is depicted with a whimsical...

Three Hummingbirds in Flight - Three cute cartoon hummingbirds illustrated by Birdorable take flight in this unique design for bird lovers everywhere! The three species join forces to make...

12 Ducks - Twelve cartoon ducks, swimming in formation. What could be cuter?

Larophile - Nine gulls gather together on a beach to celebrate larophiles.

Owl Fan - Hoot, hoot; hoo-aah; toot toot; etc. Look at these adorable owls!

Sparrows - Six cute sparrows shown in profile, all in our Birdorable style!

16 North American Raptor Profiles - Sixteen birds of prey from across North America are shown in colorful profile.

9 Northeast USA Backyard Birds - Nine cute cartoon birds that you might find in your northeastern USA backyard.

9 Southeast USA Backyard Birds - Here are nine cute cartoon birds you might find in your back yard in the southeastern USA.

Nine Terns - Love terns? This design features nine cartoon Birdorable terns. So cute!

America's Vultures - This fun design for vulture lovers features two of North America's familiar species. The Black Vulture shows off her jazz hands, and the Turkey...

Birdorable Pride Flag - Shop cute gifts featuring our Birdorable birds making up a rainbow pride flag design.

Autumn Wreath of North American Birds - North American birds perch on and around a fall-themed holiday foliage wreath.

Birdorable Clocks - Birds help make time fly! Flocks of Birdorable birds are featured on customizable clocks.

Every Vulture - All of the world's great vulture species are here - all 23 in totally cute Birdorable form!

Birdorable Crowd - A huge crowd of Birdorable birds stand in a colorful collage image.

Birdorable Earth Day - Birds from around the world perch around a green-tinted earth. Great for Earth Day!

Birdorable Iiwis and Flowers - This cute bird pattern design has our cute cartoon 'I'iwi perched among a bunch of pink hibiscus flowers and other flowers and foliage. This...

Cute Backyard Birds - Four common North American species perch together in avian harmony.

Cute Cartoon Birdorable European Birds with Flowers - European birds illustrated in our cute Birdorable cartoon style form a loose flock among colorful flowers and leaves.

Birding Up North - Sax-Zim Bog birding at its finest - Up North with Boreal Chickadee, Great Gray Owl, and others.

Five Birdorable Owls - It's unlikely you'd find these feathered friends together IRL, but with Birdorable anything is possible.

North American Waders - It's an adorable waterbird flock! Ten cartoon waders stand together, a rare relaxed moment for these hunters.

Flamboyance - All six of the world's flamingos flock together in a flamboyance.

Four Color Owls (dark) - Pop Art owly goodness in dramatic dark tones.

Four Color Owls (pastel) - Pop Art owl portraits in pastel tones = great gifts for arty bird lovers!

Four Color Warblers - A cute pop-art style design featuring four different Birdorable warbler portraits in colorful boxes.

Murmuration of Starlings - A flock of starlings is at rest in a bare tree. Are they about to take off?

New World Vultures - The seven vulture species found in the New World are featured in this Birdorable design.

North American Tanager Checklist - A fun way to check off the North American tanagers you have seen.

Nuthatch Fan - Red-breasted Nuthatch and the White-breasted Nuthatch feature in this one.

Old World Vultures - This design features the faces of all of the vulture species found in the Old World.

Palms & Nut Vultures - Cute Palm-nut Vultures repeating along with palm-tree fronds.

Penguin Fan - Love penguins? Then you are a Penguin Fan, and this cute original design is for you!

Penguin Party - Six penguins, including a fuzzy baby, sit atop an ice floe. Great for penguin lovers.

Pines & Grosbeaks - Cute apparel and gifts featuring Pine Grosbeaks among the pines.

Siskins & Crossbills & Grosbeaks & Redpolls - Finches! Finches everywhere! The names of four types of finches are highlighted along with cute cartoon icons for each line.

Snow Birds - A cute design featuring a bunch of Dark-eyed Juncos (slate-colored) - little snowbirds!

Spoonbills Rock! - Three cute spoonies by Birdorable: they rock!

The Original Nine - There may be dozens of color mutations, but there are only nine true species of lovebird!

Bluebird Map - All three North American bluebird species are shown here, arranged on a map of the USA.

6 Birdorable Warblers - Learn at least six of your spring warblers with this cute original from Birdorable!

Warbler Fan - Five cute Birdorable warblers in a design for warbler fans!

2020-2021 Finch Irruption - Finches! Finches everywhere! 2020 has brought birders a couple of treats –more people enjoying the hobby, the rediscovery of the backyard patch, and, finally, a fantastic finch season.