Funny Designs
Birdorables are always cute, and they can be funny too! This is our collection of funny t-shirts and gift ideas with silly Birdorable designs made to make you laugh! You'll find Birdorable Tits placed strategically on shirts, plus funny Birdorable Chicks

Just Yapping Around - Explore our funny collection of Black-necked Stilt Birdorable gifts featuring the silly slogan "Just Yapping Around". Black-necked Stilts are nicknamed Marsh Poodles due to...

Or Is It Pileated? - Our funny design, "Or Is It Pileated," plays on the two accepted but wildly different pronunciations of the word Pileated. Both spelled the same...

Waxwing Wine Club - This funny design is great for wine lovers and fans of Cedar Waxwings. Our cute cartoon version of this special bird illustrates an imagined...

I Love Tits (birds) - Three cute tits make up this funny, original design for bird lovers. Tits FTW!

One In a Vermilion - Bird lovers, browse through gifts with our Birdorable Vermilion Flycatcher featuring the catchy slogan "One In A Vermilion." This eye-catching design showcases our adorable...

got legs? - Check out our fun collection of Black-necked Stilt Birdorable gifts featuring the playful slogan "got legs?"! With cute cartoon designs of this long-legged bird,...

I Found the Mangrove Warbler - This cute design for birders is perfect for anyone who has added the specialty subspecies of the Yellow Warbler, the Mangrove Warbler, to their...

American Goldfinch: Po-ta-to-chip! - American Goldfinches love potato chips so much, they sing about them all the time.

European Robin Hood - Shop our fun collection of Birdorable European Robin Hood t-shirts, apparel, and gifts, featuring our adorable cartoon robin decked out in a classic Robin...

The Cowbird - This fun cowbird design is a play on the most famous movie mobster family of all time.

Are Redheads Better? - Love redheads? How about Redheads? What's better than a Redhead, anyway?

BOOOOM! - Boom! That's the sound a male Kakapo makes when lekking (competing for a mate).

Born to Fish - Cute Green Heron design with a distinct fishing angle.

Cutie PaTUTI Tufted Titmouse - The better way to spell "Cutie Patootie" when Tufted Titmice are involved.

Don't Mess With WWDs - If you know what's good for you, you'll steer clear of the White-winged Doves. They can be bad to the bone!

Eastern Towhee: Drink Your Tea! - Fancy teacups and towhees go together like Earl Grey and crumpets.

I Can Has Snail? with Snail Kite - Snail Kites eat snails, not cheeseburgers. If they could talk, I'm sure this would be one of their catchphrases.

Geese Symbol with Canada Goose - Show your support for peace on earth with this cute Birdorable peace design.

Girl with a Pearl Cockatiel - A cute Birdorable Pearl Cockatiel perches on the shoulder of the Girl with a Pearl Earring.

got lemmings? with Snowy Owl - Lemmings and Snowy Owls go together. This cute spoof design is for anyone who loves Snowies!

Great Tits - A couple of Great Tits on a shirt, seems simple enough but oh, so funny.

Horned Lark: Cute & Devilish - The horns make the Horned Lark cute AND devilish. An original design from Birdorable!

I Can Has Marrow? - Our funny spoof meme design reads "I CAN HAS MARROW"? The slogan is accompanied by a cute cartoon image of a Bearded Vulture, also...

I Can Has Monkey? Philippine Eagle - This large bird of prey also goes by the name "Monkey-eating Eagle" -- so called because it was once thought that they fed exclusively on monkeys.

Magpie / Mag PI - A cute Birdorable design using the symbol for PI.

I Can Has Roadkill? - This lolvulture says I Can Has Roadkill? Fun design for vulture lovers.

Loon Ranger - Hi-Yo, Birders! It's the Loon Ranger!

I Love Tits (BCCH) - Another fun, cheeky gift idea from Birdorable. Who doesn't love tits? Chick-a-dee-dee-dee-dee!

I Love Tits (EU) - Love tits? Eurasian ones? Let Long-tailed, Great, and Blue help you with your message of birdy love.

Junco Junkie - This cute design features all kinds of juncos! Perfect for junco lovers!

Keep Calm & Carrion (crow) - A cute spoof design featuring a Birdorable Carrion Crow in a familiar propaganda catchphrase.

Keep Calm and Bateleur - This fun design is a silly spoof of a familiar slogan. KEEP CALM AND BATELEUR features our unique cartoon illustration of a Bateleur eagle...

Keep Calm and Carrion - If you say it aloud, you can't even tell it's a spoof. A good motto for everyone, especially vultures!

Keep Calm and Meow - A cute spoof design featuring a cartoon of a charismatic bird. Just meow, catbird!

KonkaREE! Red-winged Blackbird - The distinctive call of the Red-winged Blackbird is a sign of spring for many.

Tough Titmice - These aren't just Tufted Titmice, these are two really Tough Titmice!

Mmmm, Caique! - A funny design for cake - I mean caique - lovers! Mmm, caique!

Mona Lisa & Budgies - Birdorable Budgies make da Vinci's masterpiece a true work of art.

Not a House Sparrow! - Yes, this dapper little bird is a sparrow. Just don't call it a House Sparrow, oh no!

Oh Sweet Canada - A Birdorable White-throated Sparrow sings its northern mnemonic. Oh sweet Canada, Canada, Canada!

One day I'm going to be the Pope! - This cute Cardinal wants to be the pope! Funny design for birdwatchers, backyard birders and cardinal lovers.

Osprey: I Can Has Fish? - Ospreys love fish. In fact, they spend all day, every day, thinking about nothing but fish.

Owls are cool - A Barred Owl is pretty cool on its own. With sunglasses, look out!

Pecker Checker - Perfect for when you go looking for Red-cockaded Woodpeckers.

Pecking Order - Four species of woodpecker, featured in our cute cartoon style, line up in order -- pecking order! The woodpeckers are the Black Woodpecker and...

Pigeon Whisperer - This funny design was made for the Dr. Doolittle in your life.

Puffin Prowess - What's cuter than an Atlantic Puffin with a beak full of fish?

Queen Victoria Crowned Pigeon - A cool vintage royal / Birdorable mashup for Victoria Crowned Pigeon fans.

Swamp Bandit - The Common Yellowthroat has a fun old-fashioned nickname. Beware the Swamp Bandit!

Blue Tits - A fun, cheeky design for anyone that loves tits - Blue Tits.

Toucan Tower - Stack any bird on top of a toucan and you've got yourself a Toucan Tower. Toco Toucan's pal White-fronted Amazon joins in the fun.

Toucans Are Better Than One - Even better when those Toucans are Keel-billed Toucans by Birdorable. Too cute!

Cute Blue-footed Boobies - Blue-footed Boobies are large seabirds that live on Pacific islands. What were you thinking of?!

Tough Titmouse - This cute design features a remarkable Tufted Titmouse. He's tough!

Tufted Coquette is *EXTRA* - There’s a lot going on in the plumage of a male Tufted Coquette. You might even call them *EXTRA*.

Funny Birdorable Mallard Duck Butts - Cute & funny gifts for bird and duck lovers. Customize the products in this section - make it your own!

U Jelly? - Baltimore Orioles know all about the jelly.

Warbler Neck - Warbler Neck Awareness Month is May. Are you ready for some warblers?

Who are you calling Harpy? - Our cute Birdorable Harpy Eagle stands here with the funny phrase "Who are you calling Harpy?"

Who the Tweet is Sam Peabody? - Poor Sam Peabody. All the White-throated Sparrows know about him, but the titmice are clueless.

Witchety Witchety Witchety - In this cute design our Birdorable Common Yellowthroat is singing his song. This is perfect for anyone that loves these beautiful little warblers.

Avocet Asks: What's Up? - Wanna know what's up? Ask Avocet, he always knows.

Peruvian Boobies - Peruvian Boobies could mean something else entirely, but we're talking about cute birds, people!

Customizable PI-geon - This cute Birdorable Pigeon design is a play on the symbol for PI.

Chick Magnet - A great, funny gift idea for chick magnets everywhere!
From Zazzle
What's Up? Button From Zazzle
Owls are cool