
Winged Harbingers: The Annual Return of the Swallows to Capistrano

Every spring, a small but mighty signal marks the transition from winter to spring in San Juan Capistrano, California. We're not looking for a blooming flower, or feeling for a warm breeze -- we're awaiting the celebrated return of the swallows to Mission San Juan Capistrano. This...

Discover the Interesting World of the Bank Swallow

Today we're introducing a new member to our Birdorable family in honor of Swallow Week: it's our Birdorable Bank Swallow. The Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia) is a small, agile bird with a distinctive brown back, white underparts, and a unique band across its chest. This bird, the smallest...

Interesting Facts About Swallows, Martins, and Saw-wings

This week we're celebrating Swallows! Swallows, along with Martins and Saw-wings, belong to the songbird family Hirundinidae. There are about 90 species in this widespread family. We've got a handful here in the Birdorable family, and we'll be adding a few more as our celebration of Swallows...

The Blue-fronted Parrot: Nature's Skilled Mimic

When we think of parrots, one thing that often comes to mind is their incredible ability to mimic human speech. Among the avian masters of mimicry, the Blue-fronted Parrot, also known as the Blue-fronted Amazon, stands out with its vibrant personality, striking appearance, and, most notably, its remarkable vocal talents.

Booming Back from the Brink: The Fight to Save the Attwater's Prairie Chicken

Nestled in the coastal prairie of Texas, the Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge represents a vital sanctuary for one of North America's most critically endangered birds. The Attwater's Prairie-Chicken, a species that once thrived across the vast grasslands of Texas and Louisiana, now faces the brink...

Cape Coral Florida's Feathered Ambassador: Celebrating the Official City Bird

Many countries have an official national bird. For example, the national bird of Belgium is the Common Kestrel, and the national bird of Israel is the Hoopoe. All U.S. states also have official birds. But did you know that there are even some cities that have their own official bird?


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