Happy Pi Day

Today is Pi Day. Not the sweet and delicious kind, but π as in the mathematical number "3.1415926...", hence it is celebrated on March 14th, or 3/14 on the American calendar. The first Pi Day was held at the San Francisco Exploratorium in 1988 with people marching around in circles and eating fruit pies. It is a fun holiday for mathematicians and it also happens to be Albert Einstein's birthday. Here are two Birdorable Pi designs for this occasion:


wren on March 14, 2008 at 6:35 AM wrote:
I love it, particularly mag"pi"
Spurwing Plover on May 23, 2022 at 5:45 AM wrote:
I have seen Magpies around our local Rodeo Grounds and the Farms in our area my mom saw two Magpies and Golden Eagle on a Roadkill Deer

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