As Halloween approaches, there’s no better time to appreciate some of the spookiest bird species that seem perfectly suited for the eerie atmosphere of the season. With their ghostly calls, dark feathers, and mysterious behavior, birds like owls, ravens, and vultures have long been associated with spooky folklore. Let’s dive into these spooky species and discover what makes them so fitting for Halloween!

Owls: Nighttime Hunters with a Mysterious Vibe

Owls are perhaps the most iconic Halloween birds. Their haunting hoots and nocturnal habits give them a natural connection to the spooky season. Owls are known for their exceptional hunting skills, aided by silent flight and incredible night vision. The feathers of most owl species are specially adapted to muffle the sound of their wings, allowing them to swoop down on prey without making a sound. The Barn Owl, with its ghostly white face and eerie screeching calls, is often linked to ghost stories and folklore. Many cultures see owls as symbols of wisdom, but others associate them with omens or the supernatural, adding to their spooky allure.

Birdorable Halloween Owls

Ravens: The Mystical Messengers

Ravens are another bird species deeply connected with Halloween imagery. Large, black, and highly intelligent, ravens have been featured in mythology and literature for centuries. In Edgar Allan Poe’s famous poem The Raven, the bird is a mysterious figure that seems to bring dark, foreboding messages. Ravens have also appeared in mythology, such as in Norse legend, where the god Odin had two ravens, Huginn and Muninn, who flew across the world to gather information for him. These birds are known for their intelligence and problem-solving abilities. In the wild, ravens can mimic sounds, use tools, and even play games, showing an eerie intelligence that’s fitting for their mysterious reputation.

Vultures: Nature’s Creepy Cleanup Crew

With their bald heads and menacing presence, vultures can certainly fit the spooky theme. These scavengers are often found feeding on carcasses, which makes them symbols of death and decay in many cultures. Despite their unsettling habits, vultures play a crucial role in ecosystems by cleaning up dead animals, preventing the spread of disease. The Turkey Vulture, for example, has an extraordinary sense of smell that helps it locate carrion from miles away. While their bald heads may seem creepy, this adaptation actually helps them stay clean while feeding. Vultures' association with death has made them common figures in horror films and Halloween decorations. Of course, here at Birdorable we don't find vultures creepy at all -- we love them!

Birdorable Halloween Vultures

Common Nighthawk: A Phantom in the Twilight

Though less well-known than owls or ravens, the Common Nighthawk has a spooky vibe of its own. This bird is active during twilight hours, flying through the air with erratic, bat-like movements as it hunts for insects. Its haunting calls, which sound like a sharp "peent" or a ghostly hum, can be heard at dusk. Nighthawks are masters of camouflage, blending in with their surroundings during the day to rest, which gives them a phantom-like quality. Their eerie presence at the edge of night adds a ghostly touch to the autumn sky.

Blackbirds: Flock Together in Chilling Numbers

The sight of a large flock of blackbirds is often seen as a spooky omen, especially when they gather in huge numbers just before dusk. Birds like European Starlings and American Crows often form massive flocks called "murmurations" or "roosts" in the fall. These swirling clouds of birds, sometimes numbering in the thousands, can darken the sky, creating an eerie scene. Crows, in particular, are known for their intelligence and strong social bonds, and they are often linked to death and mystery in folklore. Another spooky crow fact: their collective noun is "murder"!

Great Potoo: A Master of Disguise with an Eerie Call

The Great Potoo is a bird that seems pulled straight out of a horror movie. This nocturnal bird, native to Central and South America, is known for its bizarre appearance and haunting, almost ghostly call. During the day, it blends seamlessly with tree branches thanks to its mottled plumage, sitting completely still with its eyes closed. At night, however, it comes to life, using its enormous mouth to catch insects. The Great Potoo’s eerie "waa-OO" call echoes through the forest, adding to its mysterious and spooky reputation.

At Birdorable, we love celebrating these spooky species! From owls to ravens to vultures, our collection features cute and cartoonish designs that put a fun twist on these eerily iconic birds. Whether you’re looking for a Halloween-themed t-shirt, a bird mug with a spooky vibe, or just want to learn more about these fascinating creatures, Birdorable has you covered.

As Halloween draws near, keep an eye (or an ear!) out for these spooky birds. Whether it’s an owl hooting in the distance, a raven perched ominously nearby, or a group of blackbirds swirling overhead, these birds help set the perfect Halloween mood!

Birdorable Diamond Dove

The Diamond Dove is a small, elegant bird native to Australia, where it thrives in the arid and semi-arid regions of the continent. Known for its delicate beauty, this dove can be found across open habitats like grasslands, woodlands, and savannas, often near water sources. Though they are a popular species in captivity, they are just as fascinating in the wild, where their behaviors and survival strategies reflect their ability to adapt to tough environments.

Measuring only 7.5 to 9 inches (19-23 cm) long, Diamond Doves are one of the smallest dove species in the world. Their name comes from the white spots, or “diamonds,” sprinkled across their wings. Their plumage ranges from light gray to brown, and they sport a distinctive orange-red eye ring, which stands out against their soft coloration.

In the wild, these doves are often seen foraging on the ground, searching for seeds from grasses, herbs, and shrubs. Their diet consists mainly of dry seeds, although they will also eat small insects when food is scarce, particularly during and after rainy periods. Diamond Doves prefer to stay close to water, as they need to drink frequently throughout the day. It’s common to see them congregate around waterholes, especially in the morning and evening.

Diamond Dove by Mark Gillow (CC BY 2.0)

Diamond Doves are typically found in pairs or small flocks, and they are known for their gentle, soft cooing, which plays an important role in communication between mates. They are highly social and will often roost in groups, but they maintain a monogamous bond with one partner. These strong pair bonds are crucial during the breeding season, which varies depending on rainfall. In wetter conditions, they will breed more frequently, taking advantage of the abundance of food.

When it comes to nesting, Diamond Doves build simple, flimsy nests out of grass stems and twigs. They often nest low to the ground, in shrubs or small trees, where they are somewhat protected from predators. A typical clutch contains two white eggs, which both parents incubate for about 13 days. Once the chicks hatch, the parents feed them with a nutrient-rich substance called crop milk, regurgitated from their crops. The young doves fledge after just two weeks, but they remain under their parents’ care for a short time before becoming independent.

Diamond Doves are well adapted to Australia’s often harsh conditions, but their populations tend to fluctuate depending on environmental factors. After significant rainfall, when seeds are plentiful, their numbers can increase rapidly. However, during droughts, they may become less common as they disperse in search of food and water.

Watching Diamond Doves in the wild is a delightful experience for birdwatchers. Their gentle demeanor, soft calls, and elegant appearance make them a standout species in Australia’s diverse birdlife. If you’re visiting the outback or areas near rivers and waterholes, keep an eye out for these tiny jewels moving quietly along the ground, blending perfectly with the dry landscape.

Birdorable Diamond Dove Gifts

Meet Arctic Tern

World Migratory Bird Day is a global celebration of one of the most incredible natural phenomena: bird migration. Each year bird migration is celebrated in the spring and fall. This fall, World Migratory Bird Day is today, October 12, 2024. This is a great opportunity to learn about the remarkable journeys these birds undertake, the challenges they face, and how we can help protect them. Whether you’re a seasoned birdwatcher or a casual nature lover, World Migratory Bird Day is a time to appreciate our feathered friends as they travel across continents.

Bird migration is one of the most impressive survival strategies in the animal kingdom. Each year, billions of birds travel thousands of miles between their breeding and wintering grounds. They navigate through changing weather, avoid predators, and face threats from habitat loss, all to reach their destinations. Some species, like the Arctic Tern, migrate as far as 25,000 miles round-trip, making them one of the most well-traveled animals on Earth. These long-distance travelers remind us of the interconnectedness of ecosystems across the globe.

World Migratory Bird Day aims to raise awareness about the importance of conserving the habitats that migratory birds rely on. It’s a day to highlight the challenges birds face, such as climate change, deforestation, and pollution, and to promote ways we can help protect their migratory pathways. From wetlands to forests, the habitats birds need for resting and feeding are under threat, and it’s up to all of us to help preserve these critical areas.

The special theme for the day this year is insects, and the important role they play in the successful migration of many bird species.

To get into the spirit of World Migratory Bird Day, let’s take a look at a few fun facts about migratory birds:

  • Longest Migration: The Arctic Tern holds the record for the longest migration. These incredible birds fly from the Arctic to the Antarctic and back every year, covering up to 25,000 miles! That means they see two summers each year, living in nearly constant daylight as they chase the sun across the globe.

  • Longest Non-stop Flight
    The Bar-tailed Godwit holds the record for the longest non-stop flight of any bird. These shorebirds fly from their breeding grounds in Alaska to their wintering grounds in New Zealand, a distance of over 6,800 miles.  Like some other amazing migrants, they complete this journey without stopping for food, water, or rest. These godwits may fly non-stop for up to nine days straight! This incredible endurance is made possible by their ability to store large amounts of body fat before migration.
  • Highest Flyer: The Bar-headed Goose is known for flying over the Himalayas during its migration, reaching altitudes of up to 29,000 feet. That’s higher than Mount Everest! These birds have specially adapted bodies that help them thrive in thin, oxygen-poor air.

  • Nonstop Warbler: The Blackpoll Warbler, a small songbird, makes a nonstop flight over the Atlantic Ocean during its fall migration. It flies for about 72 hours straight, covering up to 1,500 miles without stopping for food or water. This is the longest migration taken by any species of warbler. Talk about endurance! 

  • Impressive Commuters 
    The Red Knot is a long-distance migratory bird, covering up to 9,300 miles each year. These birds breed in the Arctic and migrate to coastal areas as far south as South America, including Tierra del Fuego. Red Knots rely on specific stopover sites along their migration route, where they refuel by eating small invertebrates, particularly horseshoe crab eggs. Their migration is one of the longest known among shorebirds.
  • Massive Flocks: Some migratory birds travel in enormous flocks. The Snow Goose, for example, can be seen flying in groups of thousands as they head south for the winter. Their synchronized flight patterns, often in the iconic V-formation, help conserve energy during long migrations.

  • Magnetic Navigators: Many migratory birds, like the European Robin, have a special ability to sense the Earth’s magnetic field. This internal compass helps them find their way, even across vast distances and unfamiliar terrain. Scientists are still studying exactly how this works, but it’s clear that birds have an impressive sense of direction!

  • Flight Not Required
    The Adélie Penguin, native to Antarctica, undertakes a journey of up to 8,100 miles each year. Unlike flying migratory birds, Adélie Penguins travel by walking, swimming, and sliding on their bellies. These penguins migrate between their breeding colonies and feeding grounds, navigating across vast distances of ice and sea. They are known for their tough, cold-enduring lifestyle, thriving in some of the harshest environments on Earth.

Learn More About the Birds Featured in this Post

One of the best ways to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day is to spend time outdoors observing birds. Many species are in the middle of their migration in the middle of October, making it a prime time to catch sight of birds passing through your area. Head to a local park, wetland, or nature reserve with your binoculars, and see which migratory birds you can spot. You might see a flock of geese flying overhead, or a tiny warbler flitting through the trees, refueling for its long journey.

Another great way to participate is by supporting conservation efforts. Many organizations work to protect migratory bird habitats and reduce the threats they face. Donating to these groups, participating in citizen science projects like eBird, or planting native trees and shrubs in your backyard are all great ways to help.

World Migratory Bird Day is a time to marvel at the extraordinary feats of these birds and to reflect on the importance of preserving their habitats for future generations. Whether you’re a birdwatcher, conservationist, or just someone who loves nature, this special day is a reminder of how birds connect us across countries and continents.

Birdorable Blue Jay in Fall Foliage

As autumn paints the landscape in vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows, birds are busy preparing for the changing season. While fall signals migration for many species, for others, it's a time to feast and get ready for winter. The connection between birds and fall foliage goes beyond beauty – the seasonal shift brings changes in food availability, shelter, and behavior. Let’s explore how birds interact with the fall landscape and how they make the most of autumn’s bounty.

Cedar Waxwings by Watts (CC BY 2.0)

One of the key changes in autumn is the abundance of food. Trees and shrubs bear fruits, seeds, and nuts that many bird species rely on to fuel up before and during the winter. For example, species like the American Robin and Cedar Waxwing feast on berries from trees such as dogwood, holly, and crabapple. The birds take advantage of the seasonal fruit boom to build up fat reserves that will sustain them through colder months and fuel their migration. In fact, fall is one of the best times to see these birds foraging in large flocks, hopping from tree to tree in search of ripe berries.

In addition to fruit-eating birds, seed-eating species like the Northern Cardinal and House Finch find autumn to be a time of plenty. As trees shed their leaves, seeds from maples, oaks, and other trees fall to the ground, providing an easy meal. You might see these birds foraging among fallen leaves, using their strong beaks to crack open seeds and nuts. For backyard birdwatchers, autumn is a great time to put out seed feeders, as many species will readily visit for an easy snack.

Eastern Screech-Owl by Tim Sackton (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Fall foliage also provides changes in shelter for birds. As the weather cools, birds seek out cozy roosting spots to stay warm during chilly nights. The dense foliage of evergreen trees, such as pines and spruces, becomes a favorite hiding spot for birds like chickadees and nuthatches. These trees offer protection from the wind and cold, as well as cover from predators. Even as deciduous trees lose their leaves, their branches still offer birds places to perch and find refuge.

Some birds, like the Eastern Screech-Owl, rely on tree cavities that become more visible as leaves fall. These natural hollows make perfect roosting spots and can also serve as nesting sites. Woodpeckers, which may have created these cavities for raising chicks earlier in the year, return to them in the fall for warmth and safety. If you’re walking through a wooded area in autumn, keep an eye out for these birds peeking out from tree holes!

For some birds, fall is not just about food and shelter – it’s also a time for social gatherings. Flocks of birds, such as blackbirds and starlings, often form large groups in the fall, moving together through fields and woodlands. These gatherings help birds find food more easily and offer protection from predators, as there is safety in numbers. You might see these birds swirling through the sky in massive flocks, especially in rural areas where food sources like grain fields are plentiful.

Blue Jay by Jeff Hart (CC BY 2.0)

Birds that don’t migrate also take advantage of the fall landscape to prepare for winter. Jays, nuthatches, and some woodpeckers are known for caching food, storing nuts and seeds in hidden spots to eat later when food becomes scarce. Blue Jays, for example, collect acorns in the fall and bury them in the ground, using their sharp memory to retrieve them when needed. This behavior not only helps the birds survive but also plays a role in the dispersal of seeds, as some of the buried acorns may eventually grow into new oak trees.

For birdwatchers, fall is a special time to observe these seasonal behaviors. As birds interact with the changing landscape, they provide a glimpse into how nature adapts to the cooler weather and shorter days. From foraging in colorful foliage to roosting in sheltered tree cavities, birds make the most of autumn's unique opportunities.

Setting up feeders in your yard with seeds, fruits, nuts, and suet can attract a variety of species that are preparing for winter. You can also plant native trees and shrubs that bear fruit in the fall, providing natural food sources for birds like robins and waxwings. Watching the interactions between birds and their autumn habitat is a reminder of how intricately connected animals are to their environment, and how every season brings its own challenges and rewards.

Birdorable Red-headed Woodpecker

The Red-headed Woodpecker is one of the most striking birds in North America, easily recognizable by its bold crimson head, white body, and black wings with large white patches. This vibrant bird stands out in both appearance and behavior, making it a favorite among birdwatchers. With its distinctive look and fascinating habits, the Red-headed Woodpecker has earned its place as one of the most interesting species of woodpeckers.

Unlike many woodpecker species, the Red-headed Woodpecker doesn’t solely rely on drilling into wood to find food. While they do forage for insects beneath tree bark, they are also skilled at catching insects in flight. These birds are particularly agile in the air, swooping and snatching insects in mid-flight, much like flycatchers. This impressive ability sets them apart from other woodpeckers that stick to more traditional foraging methods. Finding food in unique ways contributes to Red-headed Woodpeckers being considered the most omnivorous woodpecker species in North America.

Red-headed Woodpecker by Ken Gibson (CC BY 2.0)

Red-headed Woodpeckers are also known for their habit of storing food. In autumn, they collect nuts, seeds, and even insects, hiding them in cracks in trees or under bark to eat during the colder months. This caching behavior is crucial for their survival in winter, when food can be scarce. Gruesome fact: their favorite insects to cache are grasshoppers, who are frequently put away while still alive! The insects are crammed into hiding holes so effectively they can never escape. 

These woodpeckers are cavity nesters, which means they create nest holes in dead or decaying trees. Both males and females work together to excavate a hole where they will raise their young. The availability of dead trees, or snags, is vital to their breeding success. Sadly, the removal of these dead trees for land development has contributed to the decline in Red-headed Woodpecker populations in some areas. Efforts to preserve and maintain these habitats are essential for the species' conservation.

Another fascinating aspect of the Red-headed Woodpecker is its vocalizations. These birds are quite vocal, using a variety of calls to communicate with each other. Their most common call is a loud “queeah” sound, which is often used to defend their territory. They also drum on trees to signal their presence and to communicate with mates.

Though they are striking to look at and fun to watch, Red-headed Woodpeckers face a number of challenges in the wild. Habitat loss due to deforestation and the decline of dead trees for nesting has led to a decrease in their numbers. Conservation efforts are focused on maintaining the natural habitats these birds rely on, particularly preserving old forests and encouraging the growth of oak trees, whose acorns serve as an important food source for the species.

Red-headed Woodpeckers range throughout much of the eastern and central United States, with populations ranging as far north as southern Canada. They typically live in open woodlands, particularly areas with oak and beech trees, as well as in orchards and suburban areas with large, old trees. They’re most active during the warmer months, and in some parts of their range, they may migrate short distances to find better food supplies in winter.

Juvenile Red-headed Woodpecker by fishhawk (CC BY 2.0)

Here are some more fun facts about the Red-headed Woodpecker:

  • Multiple Roles in the Ecosystem: Red-headed Woodpeckers play an important role in their ecosystems, not only by controlling insect populations but also by helping with seed dispersal. When they store nuts and seeds, some of them are never retrieved, leading to the growth of new trees.

  • Flexible Diet: Their diet includes insects, fruits, nuts, and even small animals like mice. This flexibility in food choice helps them survive in a variety of environments and through different seasons, and gives them the most-omnivorous title as mentioned above.

  • Strong Defenders: Red-headed Woodpeckers are territorial and are known to aggressively defend their nests and food caches from other birds, including larger species like crows.

  • A Bird of Many Colors: Juvenile Red-headed Woodpeckers don’t develop their namesake red heads right away. Instead, they have brownish-gray heads, and it can take up to a year for their adult plumage to fully come in. Youngsters do have the contrasting white and dark wing patches, making them as easy to recognize and identify as adult birds in the field.

  • Master Acrobats: These birds are skilled climbers, using their strong tail feathers to balance against tree trunks while foraging. They can often be seen scaling trees with ease, hopping up and down the bark in search of food.

Red-headed Woodpeckers are truly remarkable birds, with their vivid colors, unique foraging techniques, and clever food storage strategies. While their populations have seen some decline, efforts to conserve their habitats are helping to ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy these beautiful birds. Whether you spot one in your backyard or catch a glimpse of one in the wild, the Red-headed Woodpecker is sure to leave a lasting impression!

Birdorable Red-headed Woodpecker Gifts

Flying Birdorable Snow Geese

As the crisp air of October sweeps across the Northern Hemisphere, millions of birds are on the move, migrating to escape the cold and find food. Fall migration is in full swing this month, and bird enthusiasts have the chance to witness this incredible natural phenomenon. From songbirds to raptors, birds of all shapes and sizes are heading south, some traveling thousands of miles. Let’s take a look at a few species on the move in October, where they’re headed, and how birdwatchers can catch a glimpse of them along the way.

First, let's think about the robust and charismatic little Ruby-throated Hummingbird. After spending the summer in the eastern United States and parts of Canada, these tiny birds embark on an incredible journey south to Mexico and Central America. Along the way, they stop to refuel at feeders and flowers. If you live in their range, keeping your hummingbird feeders up through the end of the month may give you the chance to see these little travelers on their way out. Planting native flowers that they like to visit is a great way to naturally attract these flying jewels and help them along their journey.

Songbirds like the White-throated Sparrow and the Dark-eyed Junco are also on the move in October. These species breed in the northern parts of North America, including Canada and Alaska, and migrate southward to spend the winter in parts of the United States. White-throated Sparrows often visit backyard feeders, giving birdwatchers a great chance to observe them up close. Dark-eyed Juncos, commonly known as "snowbirds," can be seen hopping around under feeders as they arrive in southern wintering areas. In some regions, these birds signal the arrival of cooler weather.

Another spectacular group of migratory birds active in October is raptors. Species like the Broad-winged Hawk and the Sharp-shinned Hawk are heading to Central and South America for the winter. October is a great time to visit hawk-watching sites, where enthusiasts gather to witness large groups of raptors known as "kettles" soaring overhead. Locations like Hawk Mountain in Pennsylvania and Veracruz in Mexico are famous for their massive raptor migrations. Here in Florida we have the United States' southernmost hawk watch site with the Florida Keys Hawkwatch at Curry Hammock State Park. Some hawks travel over 4,000 miles during their migration, a truly awe-inspiring feat of endurance. 

Snow Goose Migration by Rick Bohn for USFWS Mountain-Prairie (CC BY 2.0)

Waterfowl, including species like the Northern Pintail and the Snow Goose, are also on the move in October. These birds migrate from their northern breeding grounds in Canada and Alaska to wintering spots in the southern United States and Central America. Flocks of Snow Geese can number in the thousands, making for a breathtaking spectacle. Wetland areas and wildlife refuges are excellent places to observe migrating waterfowl as they stop to rest and feed during their journey.

One of the longest migrations in the world is undertaken by the Arctic Tern, a bird that travels from its Arctic breeding grounds to the Antarctic, covering up to 25,000 miles each year! Though Arctic Terns pass through more northerly regions in September, some can still be spotted heading south in early October. Coastal birdwatching sites are the best places to observe these incredible long-distance travelers.

If you’re interested in seeing migratory birds in October, there are several ways to increase your chances. Visiting known bird migration hotspots is one of the best options. Places like the Point Pelee National Park in Canada, Cape May in New Jersey, and many points along the Mississippi Flyway are prime spots for migration viewing. Many of these locations also host birding festivals in October, where birdwatchers gather to celebrate and observe the migration.

For backyard birders, setting up feeders with seeds, suet, or nectar can attract migratory species as they stop to refuel. Keeping an eye on the sky is also a good idea, as you might spot flocks of geese or kettling raptors flying overhead. Morning and late afternoon are often the best times to see birds in migration, as they are actively moving to find food and resting spots.

October is a magical time to witness bird migration. Whether you're watching Ruby-throated Hummingbirds buzzing through your garden or spotting a kettle of hawks soaring high above, there are plenty of opportunities to experience birds on the move this fall.

Learn More About the Birds Featured in this Post

Birdorable White Stork on roof

The myth that storks deliver babies is a charming, old tale rooted in folklore, but it has no basis in reality. Storks don’t actually deliver babies, of course! This idea likely arose from a combination of the bird’s natural behavior and ancient symbolism.

The popularity of the myth originates in Europe, where the common breeding White Stork is the species in question. Behaviors of these migratory birds, in addition to cultural trends and other factors, may contribute to the myth of storks delivering babies. The myth is known in North America as well, though our only native stork is a very different looking bird, the Wood Stork.

Storks are symbols of new life and fertility

In many cultures, storks have long been associated with birth and family. This connection might stem from the bird’s migration patterns and nesting habits. White Storks, which are common in Europe and parts of Africa, return to their breeding grounds in the spring, a season often linked with new beginnings and fertility. People noticed that storks often built their nests on rooftops or chimneys, close to human habitation. The arrival of storks around the same time families were expecting new babies created a symbolic link between the birds and new life.

Storks are attentive parents

Storks are known to be very caring and nurturing parents. They build large, sturdy nests where they raise their chicks, and both parents are involved in feeding and protecting their young. This nurturing behavior may have contributed to the idea that storks were somehow connected with caring for newborns, leading to stories about them delivering babies.

Folklore and storytelling

The stork baby myth was popularized by European folklore. In Northern Europe, especially in Germany and Scandinavia, storks were considered lucky and were seen as harbingers of good fortune. According to folklore, if a stork built a nest on your house, it was a sign that good things, including babies, were coming. Parents likely used the stork story as a way to explain the arrival of a baby to young children, simplifying the mysterious process of birth in a way that was wholesome and magical.

White Stork nest by Tambako The Jaguar (CC BY-ND 2.0)

Influence of literature

One of the reasons the stork myth became widespread in modern culture is the work of Hans Christian Andersen, a famous Danish author. In 1838, he wrote a fairy tale called The Storks, in which storks deliver babies to families. This story spread throughout Europe and beyond, reinforcing the connection between storks and childbirth. Eventually, it became a commonly told story in many cultures.

Victorian-era sensibilities

During the Victorian era, discussions about childbirth and reproduction were considered somewhat taboo, especially around children. The stork story provided a convenient way for parents to avoid detailed explanations of human reproduction, offering a whimsical, innocent explanation instead. This helped the myth stick, and it became a go-to story for parents explaining where babies come from.

The timing of stork migrations and birth seasons

In some parts of Europe, the arrival of storks after their migration coincided with the birth of many babies, especially in spring and summer. Historically, late spring and summer were common times for babies to be born, since pregnancies tended to start during winter, when families spent more time indoors. The overlap between stork migrations and baby booms may have helped reinforce the myth.

While storks don’t deliver babies, the myth has endured because of its warmth, simplicity, and the bird’s association with fertility and new beginnings. Today, we still see the stork in cartoons, greeting cards, and baby shower decorations, keeping this old legend alive in popular culture.

Cute White Stork Gifts

Birdorable Bald Eagle

Bald Eagles in Alaska

When a lot of our readers think about eagles, they might be thinking about the iconic and familiar symbol of the United States, the Bald Eagle. Did you know that there are more than 60 recognized species of eagle? This cosmopolitan group of birds is found on every continent except Antarctica. Eagles belong to the taxonomic family Accipitridae, a group of birds of prey that also includes hawks, kites, and harriers. 

Eagles are known for their powerful build, sharp talons, and keen eyesight. These magnificent birds of prey have captured human imagination for centuries. Eagles are diverse and fascinating. Here are some amazing facts about these majestic birds.

Bald Eagle sexual dimorphism by Andy Morffew (CC BY 2.0)

Size (Difference) Matters

In every species of eagle, female birds trend larger than males. This sexual dimorphism makes telling males from females, even in species where the plumage between the two is the same, relatively easy --especially if you've got a scale available!

Visionary Prowess

Eagles are famous for their extraordinary eyesight. The Wedge-tailed Eagle's eyesight is estimated to be two times better than a human's vision. This is thanks in part to extremely large pupils that minimize the scattering of light. Fantastic daytime vision allows them to spot prey from several kilometers away. Their eyes are specially adapted for acute depth perception and color recognition.

Birdorable Wedge-tailed Eagle

Wedge-tailed Eagle in Australia

Impressive Hunters

Most eagles are apex predators, meaning they are at the top of their food chain. They use their sharp talons and powerful beaks to hunt and kill prey, which can include fish, small mammals, and other birds. While they are opportunistic feeders, most eagles hunt live prey, including fish, birds, small mammals, and even reptiles. Their sharp, hooked beaks allow them to tear through flesh easily, while their talons are designed to grip and crush their catch. Some species, like the Philippine Eagle, have been known to hunt animals as large as monkeys!

As apex predators, eagles play crucial roles in maintaining healthy ecosystems. They help control populations of fish, mammals, and birds, ensuring that these populations don’t grow too large. Additionally, eagles often scavenge on dead animals, helping to clean up their habitats. By playing both predator and scavenger roles, eagles contribute to the balance of their ecosystems.

Photo of a Philippine Eagle

Philippine Eagle by Sinisa Djordje Majetic (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Flying Globetrotters

As mentioned above, eagles are found on every continent around the world except for Antarctica. While eagles tend to prefer environments with wide, open spaces like mountains, forests, and coasts, some species are highly adaptable. For example, the White-tailed Eagle can be found across a range of habitats in Europe and Asia, from coastal areas to inland forests and even urban environments, as long as there is water (fresh or marine) nearby. However, different species have specific habitats; for example, the Harpy Eagle lives in the dense rainforests of Central and South America.

Photo of an African Fish Eagle

African Fish Eagle by Andy Morffew (CC BY 2.0)

Powerful Symbols

Across various cultures and throughout history, eagles have been symbols of power, freedom, and victory. In the United States, the Bald Eagle has been the national emblem since 1782, representing freedom and strength. The eagle also plays a prominent role in the mythology of ancient cultures, including Native American, Roman, and Greek traditions. In ancient Rome, the eagle was associated with Jupiter, the king of the gods, and was used as a symbol of imperial power. 

Eagles are the national birds of several other countries across the world. The Golden Eagle represents Albania, Germany, Mexico, Scotland and others. The African Fish Eagle is the national bird of Namibia, while the Harpy Eagle is the avian emblem of Panama. I bet you can guess which country considers the Philippine Eagle to be its national bird!

Birdorable African Fish Eagle

African Fish Eagle in Kenya

What's In a Name?

Several groups of eagles have a modifier in the name, including the Serpent-Eagles, Snake-Eagles, and Hawk-Eagles. Some species of owl, like the Eurasian Eagle-Owl, have the word eagle in their name, but they are not related to eagles.  And one species of eagle doesn't have the word eagle in their name at all: the Bateleur (a type of Snake-Eagle)!

Endangered and Abundant

One of the most endangered species of eagle is the Philippine Eagle This species is critically endangered due to extensive loss of habitat, hunting, and the impacts of pesticide use. Found only in the Philippines, this eagle has a very small population estimated at fewer than 500 individuals remaining in the wild.

On the other hand, the Bald Eagle is often cited as a symbol of conservation success due to its impressive recovery from near extinction in several areas. This recovery is largely attributed to intensive conservation efforts, including the banning of the pesticide DDT in the United States, which had a devastating impact on the eagle's reproduction. There has been an incredible 779% increase in the Bald Eagle population in North America in the last 40 years.

Birdorable Philippine Eagle

Philippine Eagle in the Philippines

Size Matters

The largest species of eagle depends on what metrics are taken into account, whether weight, length, or wingspan. On average, the Philippine Eagle is the heaviest species at around 8.3kg (18.25lbs), and also commands the largest length at 100cm (3'3"). The White-tailed Eagle boasts the largest wingspan at 218.5cm (7'2"). The Steller's Sea Eagle is the only species to appear in the top five of all three metrics. 

The smallest species of eagle is the aptly-named Little Eagle, a bird of prey found in Australia. These little cuties are about the same size as a Peregrine Falcon.

Birdorable Eagles

Eagles are truly remarkable birds, with their sharp hunting skills, incredible vision, and powerful flight. Whether soaring high in the sky or guarding their nests, they continue to captivate people all over the world.

Species Profile

Fascinating Facts About Africa's Yellow-billed Stork

Birdorable Yellow-billed Storks

The Yellow-billed Stork is a striking and unique bird native to parts of Africa. It belongs to the stork family and is instantly recognizable thanks to its long, bright yellow bill and contrasting pink, black, and white plumage. These large wading birds can be found around freshwater habitats, where they hunt for food and often gather in large flocks. Here are some amazing facts about this fascinating species:

They’re skilled hunters. The Yellow-billed Stork has an interesting way of catching food. Instead of visually searching for prey like many birds, it hunts by touch. The stork wades through shallow water with its long bill partially open, feeling for frogs, small fish, insects, and other aquatic prey items. When something brushes against its bill, it snaps shut in a lightning-fast reaction. This feeding method is called tactile foraging and it allows them to feed in murky waters where visibility is low.

They nest in large, noisy colonies. Yellow-billed Storks are highly social birds, especially during the breeding season. They nest in large colonies, often alongside other species like herons and egrets and other waterbirds. These nesting colonies can become very noisy as hundreds of birds call out to their mates, jostle for space, and protect their nests. They build their nests in trees, typically close to wetlands. A pair will work together to construct a platform-like nest out of sticks, lining it with softer materials such as leaves and grass. Both parents share responsibilities when it comes to raising their chicks. They take turns incubating the eggs and later feeding the hungry hatchlings. Both males and females feed their young by regurgitating partially digested food directly into the chicks’ mouths.

Their babies are hatched all white. The chicks of the Yellow-billed Stork are born looking completely different from their parents. Instead of the adults' vibrant colors, the babies are covered in a fluffy white down. As they grow older, their plumage slowly changes from pale grey to a shade of brown, with the bright whites, blacks, and pinks emerging as they mature into adults. Their iconic yellow bill and reddish face also develop as they age.

Yellow-billed Stork by Benjamin Hollis [CC BY 2.0]

Their wings have a hidden plumage secret. While most of the Yellow-billed Stork's body is a crisp white, their wings reveal a surprise when fully spread. The bird's primary feathers are jet black, creating a striking contrast. Sometimes, especially during the breeding season, their wings and underparts take on a subtle pink hue, giving them an even more eye-catching appearance. This coloring is most vivid when the bird is flying, as it shows off its impressive wingspan of up to 165 cm (nearly 5 and a half feet!).

They're part of wetland ecosystems. Yellow-billed Storks play an important role in the health of wetland ecosystems. As predators, they help control the populations of fish, amphibians, and insects. By wading through shallow waters in search of food, they also help stir up sediments and nutrients, benefiting other animals and plants. Like many wading birds, their presence can indicate the overall health of a wetland area.

Yellow-billed Storks by Son of Groucho [CC BY 2.0]

They are found across sub-Saharan Africa. The Yellow-billed Stork has a wide range across sub-Saharan Africa. They can be found in countries like Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and South Africa. They prefer wetlands, floodplains, lakes, and rivers, but are also known to visit man-made environments like fish farms and rice paddies in search of food. Despite their wide distribution, their populations are affected by habitat destruction and water pollution in some areas. 

The Yellow-billed Stork is a Birdorable bird! The species joined our cute cartoon bird family on November 23, 2020. You can find gifts featuring the Yellow-billed Stork here.

The Yellow-billed Stork is a beautiful and vital part of Africa’s wetland ecosystems. From their efficient hunting techniques to their impressive nesting colonies, they’re full of fascinating behaviors that make them an incredible species to observe in the wild.

Yellow-billed Stork by Aardwolf6886 [CC BY-ND 2.0]

Birdorable Yellow-billed Stork Gifts

Birdorable vulture coloring pages

Tomorrow is International Vulture Awareness Day and Birdorable has you covered with our FREE downloadable coloring pages featuring all 23 species of vultures! These magnificent birds play a crucial role in maintaining healthy ecosystems, and this special day highlights the importance of their conservation.

Why Vultures Matter 

Vultures might not always get the love they deserve, but they are nature's clean-up crew. By consuming dead animals, they help prevent the spread of disease and keep ecosystems in balance. Unfortunately, many vulture species face threats like habitat loss, poisoning, and declining food sources. That's why it's more important than ever to raise awareness about these vital birds.

Fun and Educational Coloring Pages 🎨

Our vulture coloring pages are not only a fun activity for bird lovers of all ages, but they also offer a great opportunity to learn about the different vulture species. From the striking California Condor to the graceful Griffon Vulture, each page highlights unique features of these birds.

You can download your free vulture coloring pages right here on Birdorable! Each page is easy to print, so you can start coloring right away. Whether you prefer to keep things realistic or get creative with colors, these pages are perfect for bird fans of all ages. Check out our vultures page to see the actual colors of all birds.

👉 Download your vulture coloring pages here

Spread the Word! 🌍

International Vulture Awareness Day is the perfect time to share your love for vultures. After you've colored your favorite vultures, share your artwork on social media and tag us with #Birdorable. Let’s show the world how awesome vultures are!

Let’s Support Vulture Conservation 💚

While coloring is fun, vultures need our help. Consider supporting organizations dedicated to vulture conservation and raising awareness about the challenges these birds face. Together, we can ensure that future generations will continue to benefit from the vital role vultures play in nature.

This International Vulture Awareness Day, let’s celebrate these often misunderstood but incredible birds by sharing our coloring creations and spreading the word about their importance. Happy coloring!