Martha Week: From Billions to None Documentary

Monday, September 1st will mark the 100 year anniversary of the death of Martha, the last of her species, the Passenger Pigeon. With her death our planet lost another species forever to extinction. This week we'd like to share some of the commemorative events and educational opportunities that are taking place to mark this important centenary.

A new documentary about Passenger Pigeons was created to coincide with this anniversary. From Billions to None: The Passenger Pigeon's Flight to Extinction follows the amazing demise of what was probably the most abundant bird species on earth. It also notes the threats facing species today and what we can do to avoid the human-driven loss of more species. Here is a long trailer for the documentary created for its fund-raising campaign.

From Billions To None is now complete and recently had its world premiere screening in Chicago. Soon the documentary will air on PBS channels across the United States. The program is scheduled to air tonight on WNPT in Nashville, and later this month on public broadcasting stations in Indianapolis, Kentucky, and Chicago. A partial list of airings can be found here; follow the From Billions to None on Facebook to learn of more airings and/or check your local listings.


Spurwing Plover on May 6, 2022 at 8:03 AM wrote:
Goodbye Martha RIP

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