Wishing You a Merry and Bird-Filled Christmas from Birdorable

It's that cozy time of year again, and we want to send our warmest wishes to you this Christmas. 🌟

During this festive season, let's remember our feathered friends who bring so much joy into our lives. Birds, with their cheerful songs and bright colors, remind us to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. If you can, put out a feeder or a fresh birdbath for the birds in your yard. It's a small way to give back to our bird friends during these chilly months.

Looking ahead, we're excited for another year full of bird-loving fun. We can't wait to share more adorable Birdorable birds with you! So, here's a big Merry Christmas 🎄 from the Birdorable team! We hope your holiday is full of happiness, love, and of course, birds! ❤️

Do you recognize all the Birdorable bird species in this image? Check the Meet the Birds section on our website to find them all!


Woodpiecer on December 27, 2023 at 10:56 PM wrote:
And a Happy new Year

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