Birdorable Great Grey Owl

Birdorable Great Grey Owl

We've just added another owl to Birdorable. This time it's the Great Grey Owl, also known as Lapland Owl. It is America's tallest owl with the largest wingspan, although the Great Horned Owl and Snowy Owl are heavier. The bird lives across the Northern Hemisphere, in the taiga, boreal and mountainous forests of North America and Eurasia. Great Grey Owls can locate prey underneath two feet of snow and will plunge right in to catch a rodent they didn't even see. Pretty cool, he? Here's a nice video of a this amazing bird in action:


Ashira on December 4, 2009 at 12:46 PM wrote:
little bird on October 21, 2010 at 12:57 PM wrote:
I love owls! Thanks for making so many!
Heather Richards on February 14, 2018 at 8:05 PM wrote:
Thanks for making so many owls! I’m so into them. But you need to make the long-eared owl, because that’s my favourite owl.

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