Blackbird the favorite in Holland

The Dutch radio program Vroege Vogels ("Early Birds") surveyed about 5000 people to find the favorite bird song in the Netherlands. The Blackbird came out on top, beating #2 Nightingale (Nachtegaal), #3 Song Thrush (Zanglijster), and 97 other Dutch birds. The entire list, including a photo of each bird and a sample of its song, can be found here: Dutch Bird Top 100. It's a neat way to see some of the most common birds of the Netherlands and hear what they sound like! We've got quite a few European birds here at Birdorable, including several of the Dutch favorites. Here are a few of them. The Dutch names are listed below.

#1 Merel (Blackbird) #4 Roodborst (Robin) #5 Winterkoning (Winter Wren) #10 Putter (European Goldfinch) #15 Vink (Chaffinch) #21 Kievit (Northern Lapwing) #26 Pimpelmees (Blue Tit) #56 IJsvogel (Common Kingfisher)


Ashira on January 3, 2010 at 10:17 PM wrote:
Aww! I love blackbirds. c: I absolutely love Lapwings, too. <3 I hope I'll get to see a live one someday. . .
abigail on June 5, 2010 at 2:43 PM wrote:
sad you always see dead ones! but at times i hate Blackbirds! because they annoy me with their chirps, and they poop all over, and then they eat all your leftover picnic food!

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