Our Backyard Rose-ringed Parakeet
In the last few weeks we've been seeing a Rose-ringed Parakeet in our backyard here in the Netherlands. These birds are originally from tropical Africa and India but have established feral populations in a number of cities around the world, including London and some big Dutch cities. We hear them fly by our house quite often and sometimes we see them sitting high up in trees in our neighborhood. This was the best view we had of one since we saw them in India:

Here’s a picture of a young one that we saw behind the Taj Mahal in Agra when we visited India in 2006. It was so small it still had to grow into its ring:

The Rose-ringed Parakeet was one of the first parakeets we made into a Birdorable, because we had seen them on our holiday in India. Here's the Birdorable version of this adorable bird:

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