Zig-zagging tree scooters

Birdorable Red-breasted Nuthatch

Earlier this year, we added the Red-breasted Nuthatch to Birdorable. Here in northern Illinois, we see these cute little tree-scooters in the winter months. Red-breasted Nuthatches are known for their ability to climb up and down and even zig-zag across tree trunks with no regard for which end is up. They scour trees for insects; they will also feed on conifer seeds and pay visits to backyard feeding stations, where they enjoy suet and nuts. During nest-building, males and females line the outside and inside of the nest cavity with sticky tree resin. It is thought the resin is used to keep out predators or pests. Be sure to check out our selection of cute Birdorable Red-breasted Nuthatch t-shirts & gifts!


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