Today we're starting our third Birdorable Bonanza! For the next 19 days we'll be adding a new Birdorable bird species every day, counting up to our 350th species! See our Meet the Birds page to see all Birdorable birds. The first bird to kick off Birdorable Bonanza 2011 is the Eastern Screech Owl!

The Eastern Screech Owl is a small species of nocturnal owl that lives across parts of Eastern North America. All birds have prominent ear tufts (laid back flat in the photo above) and a mottled and cryptic plumage, which comes in two distinct color morphs: red-phase (or rufous-phase) and gray-phase. Eastern Screech Owls are nocturnal and will roost in tree trunks or cavities during the day. Despite their name, their call is a descending, soft whinny.

Every day of the Bonanza we'll give you a hint for the next day's bird and you can guess what it will be. We'll start easy: tomorrow's bird lives in Africa and has a bill the shape of a shoe. Can you guess what it will be?