2013 Bonanza Bird #24: Plain Chachalaca
The end is in sight! We're continuing to add new birds and today's is the 24th species in the current Bonanza. Today's Bonanza bird is the Plain Chachalaca.

Plain Chachalacas are large grouse-like birds related to curassows and guans. They are found in a rather large range across much of eastern Central America and Mexico. Their range extends up to the southernmost tip of Texas, making the species a specialty sought-after by North American birders visiting the Lone Star State.

Plain Chachalacas spend much of their time on the ground. Though they can fly, they have relatively weak wing muscles so they much prefer to get around on foot. They will even flee from danger by running rather than flying, if they can. They are also ground nesters.

Tomorrow's new species is a large seabird found in and around northern Atlantic waters.

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