2017 Bonanza Bird #5: Common Myna

Birdorable Common Myna

Today's new bird is the Common Myna!

The Common Myna is a medium-sized songbird native to parts of Asia. Today the species is known in more parts of the world as a pest. Intentionally introduced (Australia) or accidental escapee (South Africa) birds have established outside of their native range where they compete with native birds and damage agricultural crops.

Common Mynas are omnivores and well-equipped to adapt to living around human habitation.

Like other birds in the starling family, the Common Myna is skilled at mimicking sounds and voices. Their ability to sing and mimic makes them popular in the pet bird trade in some parts of the world.

Tomorrow we'll add an Old World duck that both dives and dabbles when it feeds.

Cute Common Myna Gifts


Josh Cantor on November 28, 2017 at 5:43 PM wrote:
Ferruginous Duck?

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