Green-winged Macaw

Birdorable Green-winged Macaw

This is our Birdorable version of the Green-winged Macaw, a large macaw (it is 3 feet / 90 cm in length) that is widespread in forests of Northern South America. Unfortunately, in recent years, there has been a marked decline in its numbers due to habitat loss and illegal capture.

Green-winged Macaw
Photo by codespoti

It has an extremely powerful beak which can generate a pressure of 200 psi, enough to snap a broomstick in half. This strong beak is designed to crush or open even the hardest nuts and seeds. It can break these Brazil Nuts with ease:

Brazil nuts
Photo by gordoPeru

Our cute Macaw is available on t-shirts and other gifts. If you like this bird don't forget to check out our 45 other parrots and parakeets.


The Zen Parrot on March 8, 2009 at 5:38 PM wrote:
Actually the beak pressure for a Greenwing is more like 200 psi (up to 300 psi for a Hyacinth Macaw which has fully one-third of its muscle mass in its head). If it was 2000 psi, no one would ever be able to pick one up ;-)
Birdorable on March 8, 2009 at 9:52 PM wrote:
Thanks Zen Parrot, I've corrected it to 200 psi.
Andrew on November 19, 2018 at 7:40 PM wrote:
green-winged macaw or red and green macaw good question

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