Superbowl of Birding

Birdorable Football
Mass Audubon's Superbowl of Birding IV will take place this Saturday from 5am to 5pm. The Superbowl of Birding is a 12-hour competition in Massachusetts whereby different teams try to find as many birds as possible during the day. Different birds are worth different points and prizes will be awarded in nine different categories. We'll be rooting for one of the teams participating in this year's competition: the Bloggerhead Kingbirds. The team is made up of birding bloggers Christopher, Patrick, Corey, Quintus and N8. Christopher contacted us earlier this week to make a logo for their team, which we were very happy to do! He requested a Loggerhead Kingbird with a laptop and binoculars and here's the result:
Bloggerhead Kingbirds logo
You can read more about the team here: Good luck Bloggerhead Kingbirds!


Nate on January 29, 2009 at 10:27 AM wrote:
What a cool logo! Thanks so much for putting it together on the fly!
Patrick on January 30, 2009 at 1:57 PM wrote:
Thanks so much for your support!
Spurwing Plover on June 20, 2022 at 10:52 PM wrote:
When Birds take up the Hobby of People Watching

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