Introducing the Belted Kingfisher

Birdorable Belted Kingfisher

The Belted Kingfisher is one of three new kingfishers that we've added to Birdorable. This cutie can be found across North America, Central America and South America as far south as Argentina. I love Kingfishers, and we saw many Belted Kingfishers on our vacation in Florida. We were staying in Key Largo and every time we drove Route 1 back to the mainland we saw dozens of these guys sitting on the telephone wires looking down at the water. When they spot a fish that they like, they'll dive into the water head first to grab it. Did you know that many Kingfishers, including this one, nests underground? A pair will dig a tunnel as long as 8 feet in river banks. The tunnel slopes upward to keep water from entering the nest. Human activity has actually expanded their breeding range; road building and the digging of gravel pits has created new banks where kingfishers can nest.

Belted Kingfisher
Photo by Rick Leche
Belted Kingfisher
Photo by Rick Leche

Males and females both have shaggy crests and are colored blue and white. Females have rufous across the upper belly. This is our totally cute Birdorable version of the Belted Kingfisher!

Cute Belted Kingfisher Gifts

Superbowl of Birding

Birdorable Football
Mass Audubon's Superbowl of Birding IV will take place this Saturday from 5am to 5pm. The Superbowl of Birding is a 12-hour competition in Massachusetts whereby different teams try to find as many birds as possible during the day. Different birds are worth different points and prizes will be awarded in nine different categories. We'll be rooting for one of the teams participating in this year's competition: the Bloggerhead Kingbirds. The team is made up of birding bloggers Christopher, Patrick, Corey, Quintus and N8. Christopher contacted us earlier this week to make a logo for their team, which we were very happy to do! He requested a Loggerhead Kingbird with a laptop and binoculars and here's the result:
Bloggerhead Kingbirds logo
You can read more about the team here: Good luck Bloggerhead Kingbirds!

All You Need is Razorbills

Razorbills typically live for 13 years, but one particular Razorbill that was ringed in 1967 was still spotted in the United Kingdom last year, over 41 years later! The same bird has been returning to the same cliff since hippies were wearing flowers in their hair and the Beatles were singing "All You Need Is Love". The old Razorbill was reported by the British Trust for Ornithology last year, along with 11 other record-breaking long-living birds, including a 31-year-old Curlew and a Black-headed Gull that has been flying around parks in Central London for 27 years.

Razorbill on the Farne Islands, UK, by ankehuber

The Razorbill is a beautiful striking bird. It is the 159th Birdorable bird and the answer to this week's spot the Birdorable. Unfortunately we have never seen a Razorbill. Have you?

Black-legged Kittiwake

Birdorable Black-legged Kittiwake

This week we've added another cute bird to Birdorable: the Black-legged Kittiwake. The above photo of cliffs in Ireland shows an adult Kittiwake on the left and a juvenile on the right. Juvenile individuals have black markings on the wings, neck and head. There are actually two races of Black-legged Kittiwake: one in the North Atlantic ocean and another in the North Pacific ocean.

The first one, which is common throughout Europe and the east coast of North America, has only three normal toes. Hence its latin name Rissa tridactyla, which means "three-toed". Its hind toe is reduced to a tiny bump. Kittiwakes spend most of their lives out at sea and come ashore only to breed. They actually seldom walk, so its legs are much shorter than those of other gulls. And who needs a hind toe if you hardly ever walk, right?

(#222) Black-Legged Kittiwake
Photo by tinyfishy

We often saw Black-legged Kittiwakes on the North Sea coast when we lived in the Netherlands and I always thought they were particularly cute. Here's a juvenile that we saw flying around at IJmuiden, a coastal town west of Amsterdam:

Black-legged Kittiwake
IJmuiden 030 (18-Nov).jpg
Photos by Amy Evenstad

Kittiwakes breed in large colonies on rocky cliffs and is very noisy on the breeding ground, as is evident from the video below. They are capable of utilizing the sheerest of vertical cliffs as their nesting site.

The Birdorable Kittiwake is available on t-shirts and other apparel. This is our totally cute version of the Black-legged Kittiwake!

A Fragrance of Murres

Birdorable Common Guillemot

We've added another cutie to Birdorable, the Common Murre, also known as the Common Guillemot. These sea birds can be found in low-Arctic waters in the North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans, all over the northern hemisphere. They spend most of their lives out at sea and only come to land to breed on rocky cliffs or islands, where they get together in huge groups, which are called a 'bazaar', or a 'fragrance' of murres. Check out this incredible photo of thousands of murres at Point Reyes National Seashore, approximately 30 miles north of San Francisco.

Guillemot 1
Common Guillemot

From their nest site they fly as far as 125 miles to look for food for their chicks. They are excellent divers. Using their wings for propulsion they can dive as deep as 600 feet to forage for food. Check out this neat video of Guillemots diving underwater at Farne Islands, off the coast of Northumberland in England.

Video of diving guillemots at the Farne Islands

The Birdorable Murre is available on t-shirts and other apparel in two different designs:

The Birdorable Common Eider

Birdorable Common Eider

The Common Eider is the first new species that we're adding to Birdorable in 2009. It is a beautiful bird with some striking features. The male is unmistakable with its black and white plumage and green nape. You can find this cutie on the northern coasts of Europe and North America.

Did you know that this bird was involved in one of the first ever bird protection laws? The colony of eiders living on the Farne Islands in Northumberland in England has been protected since the year 676, when Saint Cuthbert of Lindisfarne, patron saint of Northumberland, chose the bird as the county's emblem bird. Eider ducks are still called Cuddy Ducks in modern Northumbrian dialects, "Cuddy" being the familiar form of "Cuthbert".

In The Wild: Birdorable Rose-ringed Parakeet

Michelle with a Birdorable Rose-ringed Parakeet Performance Jacket
Michelle is wearing a Birdorable Rose-ringed Parakeet performance jacket. She sent us the following message:
"I just wanted to send you a note and let you know that my mom ordered the Indian Ringneck performance jacket for me for Christmas and it is WONDERFUL!!!!! I love it! I also manage an exotic parrot store and am wearing it to the store!"
Thank you Michelle for your kind words and sending us this nice photo.

Welcoming the Birdorable Marabou Stork: A Closer Look at Africa's Largest Wingspan

Birdorable Marabou Stork

The Marabou Stork is one of those birds that might not win any beauty contests but is absolutely fascinating in terms of behavior, adaptation, and sheer size. With the largest wingspan tied with the Andean Condor, reaching an impressive 10.5 feet, it's a sight that can leave anyone in awe. These birds, found throughout tropical Africa south of the Sahara Desert, have an intriguing presence that's hard to ignore.

What makes the Marabou Stork stand out, aside from its massive wingspan, is its peculiar appearance. They have a mostly bald head, which can be an unusual sight compared to the more feathery heads of other birds. Additionally, they sport two inflatable air sacs around their neck, which adds to their unique look. This appearance is perfectly suited to their lifestyle and habitat.

The Marabou Stork is a master of adaptation. They thrive in close proximity to humans, a trait not common among many species. This adaptability has led to an increase in their population in some areas, as they make the most out of the opportunities provided by human activities. Their diet further shows their adaptability. Needing to consume more than 1.6 pounds (0.725 kilograms) of food daily, they are not picky eaters. These birds are scavengers, eating anything they can find or catch, including the animals fleeing from grass fires. This opportunistic feeding strategy might seem a bit unscrupulous, but it's a brilliant display of adaptability and survival.

Marabou Storks near Ndutu Lodge, Serengeti, by Christoph Strässler (CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED)

Witnessing a Marabou Stork in flight is an unforgettable experience. On a personal note, seeing one soar overhead during our trip to The Gambia was a magnificent moment. Despite their less-than-cuddly appearance, the grace with which they navigate the air is truly a spectacle. Their enormous wingspan allows them to glide effortlessly, a remarkable sight against the backdrop of Africa's skies.

Their relationship with humans is notably ambivalent. On one hand, their ability to adapt to human environments means they can thrive in areas where other species might struggle. On the other hand, this closeness brings them into conflict with people, especially in urban areas where they are often considered pests due to their scavenging nature.

Conservation-wise, the Marabou Stork is doing relatively well compared to other bird species. Their adaptability and broad diet mean they are less susceptible to the threats of habitat loss and climate change that menace many other birds. However, this does not mean they are without challenges. Pollution, particularly plastic waste, poses a significant threat to these birds, as it does to all wildlife that relies on scavenging. The Marabou Stork is a bird that embodies the concept of survival against the odds. Its ability to adapt to various environments, coupled with its unique appearance and behaviors, makes it a fascinating subject of study and observation. 

Watch this fascinating video of Marabou Storks toying with a fish, only for an African Fish Eagle to suddenly swoop in and snatch it away. A reminder not to play with your food:

Cute Marabou Stork Gifts

Meet the Birdorable European Shag: A Diving Marvel of the Coasts

Birdorable European Shag and Herring Gull

Birdorable European Shag (right) enjoying the scenery alongside a Herring Gull (left)

We're thrilled to introduce the latest feathered friend to join the Birdorable family - the European Shag! This charming seabird might not be as famous as some of its avian counterparts, but it certainly holds a special place in the hearts of bird enthusiasts, especially those fascinated by the rich birdlife of European coasts and islands.

The European Shag, scientifically known as Phalacrocorax aristotelis, is a member of the cormorant family. It is easily recognizable by its glossy green-black plumage, which beautifully contrasts with the surrounding sea and rocks where it's often found perching. Adding to its distinctive look is a slender, hooked bill and bright green eyes, which seem to sparkle like emeralds against its dark feathers.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the European Shag is its habitat and lifestyle. These birds are true coastal dwellers, rarely straying far from the rugged cliffs and choppy waters of the Atlantic Ocean, from the chilly shores of Iceland all the way down to the warmer regions of North Africa. They are expert divers, plunging into the sea with remarkable grace to catch their fishy prey. Watching a European Shag dive is a sight to behold; they leap from their perches and disappear into the water, often emerging far from where they dove in.

Photo of European Shag

European SHag by Francesco Veronesi (CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED)

Breeding season brings out the most striking features of the European Shag, as they don a crest on their head and their neck feathers take on a more intricate pattern. Their nests, constructed from seaweed and twigs, are usually perched on cliff faces or rocky outcrops, where they lay their eggs in the safety of steep, inaccessible spots.

Despite their beauty and fascinating behavior, European Shags face several challenges. Like many seabirds, they are affected by pollution, overfishing, and climate change, which can impact their food sources and nesting sites. Conservation efforts are crucial to ensure that these birds can continue to thrive in their natural habitats.

For birdwatchers and nature lovers, the European Shag represents an exciting sighting. Whether you're exploring the coasts of the British Isles, where they are particularly common, or spotting them from the shores of the Mediterranean, observing these birds in their natural environment is a memorable experience. Their somewhat elusive nature and preference for remote areas make each sighting all the more special.

At Birdorable, we're delighted to feature the European Shag among our collection of cute cartoon birds. We hope to inspire a love and appreciation for not just this species, but for all the amazing birds that share our planet. Whether you're a seasoned birdwatcher, a passionate conservationist, or simply someone who loves learning about the incredible wildlife around us, we hope you love our European Shag. Next time you're near the coast, keep an eye out for this elegant seabird—you might just be lucky enough to spot one!

Cute European Shag Gifts

From Grey to Pink: The Life and Times of the Greater Flamingo

Birdorable Greater Flamingo

The Greater Flamingo, now the 153rd bird featured on Birdorable, is not just another pretty face in the bird kingdom. This species, with its iconic pink hue and elegant stature, spans across Africa, southern Europe, and southern Asia, offering a splash of color and uniqueness wherever it's found. Greater Flamingos are social birds, often seen in large flocks that can number in the thousands, wading through shallow waters in search of food. Their feeding technique is as fascinating as their appearance; these birds stir the mud with their feet and then, in a head-down position, suction up a mix of mud and water to filter out their meal using their distinctive large beaks.

What truly sets the Greater Flamingo apart, aside from its sociable nature and feeding habits, is its vibrant pink coloring. This striking shade is not an inherent trait but rather a result of their diet, which is rich in carotenoid pigments found in algae, crustaceans, and, notably, pink shrimps. These pigments are absorbed by the flamingos, giving them their famous pink color. It's an interesting fact that in captivity, without a diet supplemented with these natural pigments, flamingos will gradually lose their pink coloration, becoming paler. This dietary influence on their coloration is a remarkable aspect of their biology, illustrating the direct impact of nutrition on the appearance of animals.

Greater Flamingo diet graphic

From birth, Greater Flamingo chicks are a stark contrast to their adult counterparts. They emerge from their eggs with white and gray feathers and a straight bill, far from the pink plumes and curved beak they will eventually grow into. It takes about two years for them to develop their pink feathers and fully curved beaks, a transformation that is nothing short of magical. Watching a flamingo chick grow into its iconic adult form is a journey through one of nature's most fascinating maturation processes.

Greater Flamingo photo from Camargue, France

Greater Flamingo in the Camargue, France by A S (CC BY 2.0 DEED)

Greater Flamingos are not just a wonder of nature in terms of their appearance and lifecycle. They are also among the bird species with a notably long lifespan. In the wild, these birds can live up to 30 years, a respectable age for any wild animal. The record for the oldest known Greater Flamingo was held by an individual known as "Greater," also referred to as Flamingo One or Flamingo 1, who resided at the Adelaide Zoo in Australia. Greater passed away on January 30, 2014, and was estimated to be between 83 and 95 years old at the time of death, having arrived at the zoo as a full-grown adult from either Cairo or Hamburg in one of the last four importations of greater flamingos to the zoo between 1919 and 1933. Here is a video of Greater from 2008:

Cute Greater Flamingo Gifts

From their group feeding rituals in shallow waters to the incredible transformation from grey and white chicks to stunning pink adults, Greater Flamingos embody the marvels of the avian world. Their story is a blend of natural beauty, ecological adaptation, and the sheer wonder of biological development, making the Greater Flamingo a bird worth celebrating and conserving for future generations to marvel at.

Greater Flamingoes on their nests

Greater Flamingoes on their nests by Susan Robinson (public domain)