2017 Bonanza Bird #6: Common Pochard

Birdorable Common Pochard

Today's new bird in our annual Birdorable Bonanza is an Old World species of duck: the Common Pochard!

The Common Pochard is a migratory duck found across parts of Europe and Asia. They are gregarious, found in large (sometimes mixed) flocks during the winter. Common Pochards are known to occasionally hybridize with the Tufted Duck.

Common Pochards look a lot like the Redhead of North America. Adult males have light grey backs, black at the chest, and an unmistakable red head.

Tomorrow we'll reveal a new member of the egret and heron family, known for its active hunting antics and for having two distinct color morphs. Can you guess the bird?

Cute Common Pochard Gifts


Josh cantor on November 29, 2017 at 1:55 PM wrote:
Next one is an easy one: Reddish Egret

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