Let The Good Birds Roll

Birdorable European Roller, Lilac-breasted Roller & Blue-bellied Roller

We've recently added three new Birdorable birds from the roller family: the European Roller; the Lilac-breasted Roller; and the Blue-bellied Roller. There are twelve species of roller extant today. Rollers are similar to crows in size and shape, but certainly not in color. Rollers are colorful in appearance, and more closely resemble bee-eaters and kingfishers in this way. In fact, they are closely related to both of these families, taxonomically speaking. Rollers get their name from their unique breeding displays, where male birds swoop, dive, and roll through the air. Check out our original Roller apparel and gifts featuring these three new birds:

Birdorable Roller sample products


Spurwing Plover on May 18, 2022 at 7:07 AM wrote:
Name comes from the way they roll during their Mating Flight

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