Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all who are celebrating today! Be safe and have fun. :)

Merry Christmas from Birdorable

Check out this beautiful tree put together by Peter, a Boy Scout in Utah. Peter's tree is totally bird themed, from the birdy ornaments hanging from the boughs to the Cardinal tree-topper and the awesome spread of birder goodies under the tree! I see birdhouses, bird field guides, even a spotting scope! And I hear there are a few Birdorable ornaments on the tree, too.

Awesome Birder-themed Christmas Tree Christmas Tree with Bird Ornaments

Peter's tree is now showing at the Festival of Trees in Sandy, Utah. The festival runs through December 5th and includes more than 800 decorated trees. The show benefits the Primary Children's Medical Center in Salt Lake City. Thanks for sharing photos of your cool Birdwatcher Tree with us, Peter!

This Emperor Penguin and baby penguin are ready for Christmas! They are both wearing a Santa hat in this week's featured t-shirt design. Celebrate Christmas in cute Birdorable style with this unique Penguin Christmas design. For more cute Santa birds see our Christmas designs and Christmas products.

Santa Emperor Penguin with Chick

T-Shirt Tuesday: Thanksgiving Turkey

Happy 4th of July

We wish everyone celebrating Independence Day today a great and safe holiday! In the meantime enjoy this American flag made of Birdorable Red Cardinals, White Doves and Blue Jays. ;)

USA flag made of Birdorable Red Cardinals, White Doves and Blue Jays

U.S. Flag of Birds T-Shirst & Gifts

10 Easy Ways to Save Birds, Starting at Home

Gardening supplies with Birdorable yard birds from North America

Happy Earth Day to everyone on the planet! Sadly, birds are in trouble. You see pigeons, geese and sparrows everywhere, but those birds have adapted to urban habitats. A great many birds, such as meadowlarks and orioles, require natural habitats. They are in danger from habitat destruction and the ever expanding range of humans. Studies by the National Audubon Society show that over 25 percent of American bird species are in serious decline. Earth Day is a great day to contemplate how you can help save our birds. Here are 10 easy things that you can do around the house to conserve our avian friends:

  1. Do you have a lawn? Shrink your lawn and go organic. Lawn chemicals kill about 7 million birds each year. Manage your lawn organically and reduce it by 25 percent in favor of plants to provide seeds and a nesting place for birds.
  2. Keep your cats inside. Estimates for the numbers of birds killed per year by household cats and stray cats in the U.S. range into the hundreds of millions. Cats kill many more birds than wind turbines.
  3. Wake up to bird-friendly coffee. Coffee grown in the shade of tree canopies, rather than on land cleared of other vegation, provides a habitat for many migratory birds such as warblers, hummingbirds and tanagers.
  4. Fill your yard with native plants to aid birds that are adapted to eating the seeds and berries of native plants.
  5. Recycle plastic six-pack rings, plastic bags and aluminum cans. Many birds die on landfills after they get stuck in plastic rings, cut themselves on metal cans or get trapped in plastic bags. By recycling plastic you prevent them from ending up on the landfill and killing innocent birds.
  6. Eat less meat. The production of beef, pork and poultry meat have a huge impact on the environment due to habitat destruction to provide more farmland for grazing cattle. It requires far more acres to produce the same number of calories of meat than of vegetables and grains. In addition, farms that are overcrowded with animals become hotbeds for diseases like bird flu.
  7. Leave a good part of your yard natural with bushes and ground cover. The more diverse your yard, the greater variety of birds and small mammals you will attract. Also, keep dead trees in your yard. Hundreds of species of birds and animals live in dead trees and feed on the insects there. Top off, rather than chop down, dead trees.
  8. Many birds die each year from crashing into windows. More birds are killed each year from striking windows than from any other direct cause of death, and the problem is growing as window sizes increase and houses get larger. Use window decals / stickers or cover your windows with blinds, awnings or shutters to minimize the reflection of the sky.
  9. Have a bird bath year-round. Birds require bathing to keep their feathers clean and flexible and to maintain healthy plumage. Bird baths also provide a safe place for wild birds to bathe and it is a reliable source of clean drinking water.
  10. Support your local bird conservation program and forest preserves. Also, educate yourself and your friends and family about birds and the importance of conservation. Go outside and take your family birding.

For more ways on helping birds check out the book 101 Ways to Help Birds (available on Amazon) by Laura Erickson. Happy Earth Day.

Birdorable Earth Day Gifts

Happy Pi Day

Today is Pi Day. Not the sweet and delicious kind, but π as in the mathematical number "3.1415926...", hence it is celebrated on March 14th, or 3/14 on the American calendar. The first Pi Day was held at the San Francisco Exploratorium in 1988 with people marching around in circles and eating fruit pies. It is a fun holiday for mathematicians and it also happens to be Albert Einstein's birthday. Here are two Birdorable Pi designs for this occasion:

Love in the Air

Valentine's Day is around the corner. Are you looking for something special for your bird-loving lover? Check out these more than twenty love-related Birdorable designs.

Birdorable Love T-Shirts

Above left: A huge crowd of totally cute Birdorable parrots and parakeets flock together to make up the heart in this original design. Macaws, Conures, Cockatiels and Cockatoos join the flock too! An original design that would make a perfect gift for any parrot lover! Above right: A cute Herring Gull is the centerpiece of this design. Surrounding the seagull are circles of hearts, blue fish, and stars. What does it mean? Who knows - it's totally cute and that's all that matters! A Birdorable exclusive cute bird design. For more great Birdorable love designs check out the "I Love" products page.

Celebrate the Holidays with a Cute Birdorable Toucan in a Santa Hat

Ah, the Keel-billed Toucan, one of nature's most spectacular birds, is all dressed up and ready to spread some holiday cheer! Our Birdorable version of this magnificent bird dons a festive Santa hat.

The Keel-billed Toucan, with its oversized, colorful bill, is native to the tropical forests of Central and South America. This striking feature isn't just a fashion statement; it plays a vital role in the toucan's daily activities, from feeding on a variety of fruits to jousting with fellow toucans. And while they may appear to be heavy, these bills are surprisingly light, thanks to their hollow structure.

What makes toucans the perfect subject for a holiday-themed design? Perhaps it's the vivid contrast of colors that reminds us of the twinkling lights and decorations of the season. Or maybe it's their playful nature that captures the fun and joy of the holidays. Toucans are social birds, often spotted in groups, and their vocal calls can be heard echoing through the forests they call home. They embody a sense of community and celebration, which resonates so well with the spirit of Christmas.

Toucan in Santa Hat T-Shirt from Amazon

Toucan in Santa Hat T-Shirt from Amazon

For those looking to bring a touch of wildlife into their holiday festivities, this Keel-billed Toucan in a Santa hat makes for a perfect gift. It's an ideal way to show your love for birds while staying festive. So whether you're a birdwatcher, a proud pet owner, or just someone who appreciates the beauty of nature, this design is sure to bring smiles and a bit of tropical flair to your winter wardrobe.