Crested Caracaras are distinctive birds of prey that live in parts of North, Central, and South America. Here are some cool facts about the Crested Caracara:

1) Crested Caracaras are fine at flying, but they can often be found walking around on the ground. Their long legs also make them strong runners.

2) While mostly quiet, the Crested Caracara has a distinctive social vocalization which is described as a rattle. The cackling, rattling sound is produced while the bird throws its head back in a move called the head-throwback display.

Crested Caracara head-throwback display

3) Caracaras are members of the falcon family.

4) Unlike many other falcon species, caracaras are not cavity nesters. They build stick nests high up in trees.

5) Like vultures, Crested Caracaras eat a lot of carrion.

6) The diet of a Crested Caracara may also include insects foraged through vegetation or eggs from ground-nesting birds.

7) Crested Caracaras look very distinctive, with dark bodies, a white neck, and a dark shaggy cap.

8) Baby Crested Caracaras have their dark cap from the time they hatch.

feeding time for the hungry baby caracara
feeding time for the hungry baby caracara by belgianchocolate [Creative Commons]

9) The national bird of Mexico is the Crested Caracara (an honor sometimes shared with the Golden Eagle).

10) To intimidate nest intruders, Crested Caracaras may clack their beaks, or break off dry twigs to make a snapping sound. If you can't get enough of Crested Caracaras, you're in luck! This unique species is one of our newest Birdorable birds! Check out our fun collection of cute Crested Caracara apparel and gifts.

Black-throated Blue Warblers are small migratory songbirds. We've recently added this beauty to our family of cute Birdorable birds. Here are some interesting facts about the Black-throated Blue Warbler.

Black-throated Blue Warblers
  • Black-throated Blue Warblers are tiny birds, weighing in at just 9 or 10 grams.
  • The four-letter alpha code that banders and birders use for the Black-throated Blue Warbler is BTBW.
  • Based on bird banding records, BTBWs may live to be nine or ten years old in the wild.
  • The plumage of the female Black-throated Blue Warbler differs greatly from the male. Early American ornithologists thought they were of a different species, naming the female the "Pine Swamp Warbler." John James Audubon even painted this bird as a separate species - today it is sometimes known as "Audubon's Extra Warbler."

Audubon's Pine Swamp Warbler detail
  • BTBWs don't change their appearance as the seasons change, as some warbler species do. They are easy to recognize in the fall just as well as they are in the spring.
  • BTBWs are migratory. Most individuals spend the winter in the Caribbean, especially in the Greater Antilles islands of Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and Hispaniola (Dominican Republic & Haiti).

Be sure to check out our great collection of apparel and gifts featuring our cute cartoon Black-throated Blue Warbler.

Ospreys are one of the most common and well-known birds of prey in the world. They are cool, too! Here are some fun, interesting and cool facts about Ospreys.

Birdorable Osprey
  • Ospreys are found on every continent except Antarctica. They breed on all continents except Antarctica and South America.
  • Ospreys eat a diet which consists almost exclusively of fish. This earned them the nickname "sea hawk."
  • Ospreys hunt fish by hovering over water and then diving feet first to capture prey in their powerful talons.
  • An Osprey's outer toe is reversible, which means they can carry prey (slippery fish) with two toes in front and two toes behind.
  • While flying away with the freshly-caught prey, an Osprey will manipulate the fish so that it is parallel to the bird's body, and thus aerodynamic.
  • The oldest known North American Osprey lived to be 25 years old.
  • During the mid-20th century, North American Osprey populations suffered great losses (along with other birds of prey) due to widespread use of the pesticide DDT. After DDT and other contaminants were banned, the Osprey recovered fairly quickly.
  • Ospreys make large nests on the top of dead or live trees. They will also readily use nest platforms or other man-made structures like utility poles.

We've recently updated our Birdorable Osprey cartoon. Be sure to browse through our great collection of Osprey apparel and gifts.

Birdorable Toco Toucan

With its massive orange-yellow bill, the Toco Toucan is one of the most recognized birds in the world. Here are some interesting facts about the Toco Toucan and its amazing bill.

  • The Toco Toucan is the largest species of toucan in the world. There are about 40 species of toucan in total.
  • The bill of the Toco Toucan is nearly 8 inches long. Its tongue is not much shorter - that's a long tongue!
  • A toucan's bill is largely hollow, with a boney structure similar to that of a sponge. It may look like a formidable weapon, but its use as a defensive aid is more psychological (intimidation) than physical.
  • Up to 50% of a Toco Toucan's total body surface area can be found in its bill.
  • Toco Toucans use their massive bills to skin fruit and to grab hard-to-reach food items.
  • Toucan bills may help the birds regulate heat; the large surface area of the bill radiates heat away from the bird's body in their warm tropical environment.
  • A Toco Toucan can live up to 20 years in the wild.
  • Toco Toucans are cavity nesters. Can you imagine this amazing bird using its bill to hollow out a tree cavity for its nest?

If you can't get enough of Toco Toucans, be sure to check out Birdorable's selection of Toco Toucan t-shirts and gifts!

Birdorable Toco Toucan gifts

Discovering Oystercatchers: Fun Facts and Features

Birdorable Oystercatchers on the beach

We recently added two new species of oystercatcher to Birdorable: the Black Oystercatcher and the Eurasian Oystercatcher. These join our updated American Oystercatcher.

Oystercatchers are a fascinating family of conspicuous, large shorebirds, boasting several intriguing characteristics and a wide range of species. Here are some captivating facts about these remarkable birds:

  • Currently, there are 11 recognized species of Oystercatchers still living in the world. These birds are spread across various continents, each adapting uniquely to its environment.
  • The Canarian Oystercatcher is a notable species that unfortunately went extinct in the early 1900s, highlighting the fragility of shorebird populations.
  • In the Americas, four distinct species of Oystercatchers can be found: the American Oystercatcher, Black Oystercatcher, Blackish Oystercatcher, and Magellanic Oystercatcher. Each of these species has its own unique traits and habitats.
  • Australia and New Zealand are home to five Oystercatcher species: the Sooty Oystercatcher, Pied Oystercatcher, Variable Oystercatcher, Chatham Oystercatcher, and South Island Oystercatcher. These regions provide diverse environments for these birds to thrive.
  • The remaining two extant species are named after their geographical ranges: the Eurasian Oystercatcher and the African Oystercatcher.
  • Oystercatchers, across all species, have a stocky shorebird build, adapted for their shoreline habitats.
  • While all Oystercatcher species have black feathers, some species feature black on top with white feathers underneath, showing diversity within the family.
  • A striking feature of Oystercatchers is their large bills, which are either bright orange or bright red, aiding in foraging and feeding.
  • Contrary to what their name suggests, Oystercatchers do not exclusively feed on oysters. They have a varied diet, and each species has a slightly different bill shape, specialized for the type of food they primarily consume.
  • Nesting habits of Oystercatchers involve creating scrapes on the ground, with most species nesting at or near shore habitats, taking advantage of their natural surroundings.
  • The Eurasian Oystercatcher stands out as the lightest species, averaging around 526 grams, while the Sooty Oystercatcher is typically the heaviest, averaging about 833 grams.
  • The Eurasian Oystercatcher's ability to inhabit both coastal and inland areas is unique among its kind.
  • The national bird of the Faroe Islands is the Eurasian Oystercatcher, a testament to its cultural significance in the region.
  • Variable Oystercatchers are named for their plumage variations, ranging from all-black to pied black-and-white, demonstrating remarkable diversity within a single species.
  • The South Island Oystercatcher, endemic to New Zealand, is also known as the South Island Pied Oystercatcher, or SIPO, highlighting its distinct regional presence.

These fascinating facts about Oystercatchers offer a glimpse into the diverse world of these shorebirds, each species bringing its own unique qualities and behaviors to the ecosystems they inhabit.

Eurasian Oystercatcher by ianpreston (CC BY 2.0 DEED)

Cute Oystercatcher Gifts

Fun Bobolink Facts

Have you ever seen a Bobolink? Here are some fun facts about these striking prairie birds!

Birdorable Bobolink

1. One nickname given to the Bobolink is "skunk blackbird." The breeding plumage of males is distinctive in North America; it is the only bird with a black front and white back.

2. Bobolinks have two other nicknames, both food-related, in their migration and wintering grounds. They are called "butterbirds" in Jamaica, where they are captured during migration and consumed by locals as food. In South America, they may be considered pests, where they feast on fields of grain. Here they are called "ricebirds."

3. The mechanical-sounding call of the Bobolink is sung by the males during spring, often in flight. Here is what it sounds like:

4. Bobolinks molt their feathers twice a year, which is unusual for a songbird. One molt occurs after breeding and before migration; the other molt occurs on the wintering grounds. Males change their appearance drastically. They go from the striking "skunkbird" black and white to more muted coloring and resemble the female bird, seen below.

Bobolink, female
Bobolink, female by Kelly Colgan Azar

5. A group of Bobolinks is called a chain.

6. Bobolinks are known to be extraordinary migrants. They breed across much of the northern half of the United States and into parts of Canada. During the fall, the birds travel down to south-central South America, a journey that may span over 12,000 miles round trip!

7. The Bobolink has been celebrated by several American poets. Emily Dickinson wrote The Way to know the Bobolink. And here is a verse from William Cullen Bryant's Robert of Lincoln:

Robert of Lincoln’s Quaker wife, Pretty and quiet, with plain brown wings, Passing at home a quiet life, Broods in the grass while her husband sings: Bob-o’-l ink, bob-o’-link, Spink, spank, spink; Brood, kind creatures; you need not fear Thieves and robbers while I am here. Chee, chee, chee.

8. The Bobolink was added to Birdorable in 2011. Be sure to check out our great collection of Bobolink t-shirts & gifts!

Discover 10 Fascinating Facts About the Birdorable Roseate Spoonbill

Birdorable Roseate Spoonbills

The Roseate Spoonbill is one of the newest birds to join the Birdorable family. Here are some fun facts about this unique species.

  1. Did you know the term for a group of spoonbills is called a bowl? Imagine spotting a bowl of Roseate Spoonbills in the wild – what a breathtaking view that would be!

  2. The stunning pink hue of the Roseate Spoonbills isn't just for show. It comes from their diet, which mainly consists of crustaceans that have been dining on algae. This diet directly influences their vivid coloring.

  3. In areas like Florida, it's common for people to mix up Roseate Spoonbills with flamingos, given their similar pink shades. Despite this, they are very different species with their own unique characteristics.

  4. Among the six species of spoonbills that roam our planet, the Roseate Spoonbill is the only one boasting pink feathers, setting it apart from its relatives.

  5. The Roseate Spoonbill also has the distinction of being the sole spoonbill species found throughout the Americas. This fact makes it a special sight for birdwatchers in the region.

  6. A fascinating aspect of Roseate Spoonbill biology is that chicks are born with straight beaks. As they grow, the beaks gradually morph into the distinctive spoon shape, a key adaptation for their feeding habits.

  7. Speaking of feeding, Roseate Spoonbills have a unique method of eating. They sweep their spoon-shaped bills through water to catch prey like fish or insects, closing their bills quickly when they touch something edible.

  8. The resilience of the Roseate Spoonbill is remarkable. The oldest known individual in the wild was found in the Florida Keys in 2006. The bird had been banded in 1990, and was an amazing 16 years old. This was quite the jump from the previously recorded lifespan of seven years for the species.

  9. Social butterflies, or rather, social birds of the wetlands, Roseate Spoonbills enjoy the company of their kind. They feed, nest, and fly together, forming a tight-knit community with other wading birds.

  10. And, don't forget, the Roseate Spoonbill made its Birdorable debut on September 6th, 2011. Be sure to check out our array of Roseate Spoonbill t-shirts and gifts, a must-have for enthusiasts of this splendid species.

Cute Spoonbill Gifts

It's May! That means we are already into Warbler Neck Awareness Month. Have you been out birding this month? If you've been out looking for warblers, maybe you've seen this cutie, the Northern Parula.

Birdorable Northern Parula

1. The Northern Parula is a species of warbler (see our other cute warblers).

2. Northern Parulas nest in two distinctive, separate zones in eastern North America.

3. The original name for this small wood-warbler was Finch Creeper.

4. Northern Parulas have been known to hybridize with Yellow-throated Warblers. The offspring are known as Sutton's Warblers.

5. The oldest known wild Northern Parula lived to be at least seven years of age.

6. The Northern Parula is one of our cute Birdorable birds! The Northern Parula was added to Birdorable on November 17, 2010.

Birdorable Orchard Oriole

1. The Orchard Oriole is the smallest species of oriole in North America. They are sometimes confused for warblers, due to their small size and bright coloration.

2. The oldest known Orchard Oriole was a captive female who lived to be nearly 17 years old. The longevity record for wild birds is 10 years, 11 months.

3. Besides insects, berries and seeds, Orchard Orioles will feed on trumpet creeper nectar. They will also visit hummingbird feeders.

4. Adult male orchard orioles are predominately chestnut in color. Females and juveniles of both sexes look very different, with olive and yellow plumage.

5. Orchard Orioles migrate at night. They are early migrants, leaving their breeding grounds as early as late July.

6. The Orchard Oriole is one of our cute Birdorable birds! The Orchard Oriole was added to Birdorable on February 19th, 2009.

Orchard Oriole
Photo by mitchmcc

Florida Scrub-Jay Fun Facts

Birdorable Scrub-Jay

1. The Florida Scrub-Jay is the only species of bird endemic to the state of Florida.

2. The Florida Scrub-Jay is a federally threatened species. Loss of their specific breeding habitat and their sedentary lifestyle contribute to their threatened status.

3. Florida Scrub-Jays are cooperative breeders. Offspring remain with their parents for subsequent broods, helping with feeding and defending territory.

Florida Scrub Jay
Florida Scrub-Jay by Amy Evenstad

4. Both male and female Florida Scrub-Jays are active during nesting, but with a strong division of labor. Males guard the territory and provide food for the family; females incubate the eggs and brood the chicks.

5. Florida Scrub-Jays have been observed perching on the backs of deer and feral pigs.

6. Florida Scrub-Jays are known to be extremely tame. They will take food from the hand or perch on humans who are providing them with treats. Feeding wild Scrub-Jays is not recommended, though, as it may endanger them by making them drop their guard around dangerous traffic situations and by triggering early breeding which may lead chicks to starve when natural food is not available.

7. The oldest known wild Florida Scrub-Jay lived to be 15.5 years of age.

8. The Florida Scrub-Jay is one of our cute Birdorable birds! The Florida Scrub-Jay was added to Birdorable on August 2nd, 2010.

Florida Scrub-Jay
Florida Scrub-Jay by Amy Evenstad

Cute Florida Scrub-Jay Gifts